最初に、参照「QUT.ShiftReduceParser.dll」をプロジェクトに含めます。GPLEX からのダウンロード パッケージで提供されます。
using System;
using ....;
using QUT.Gppg;
using Scanner;
using Parser;
namespace NCParser
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
string pathTXT = @"C:\temp\testFile.txt";
FileStream file = new FileStream(pathTXT, FileMode.Open);
Scanner scanner = new Scanner();
scanner.SetSource(file, 0);
Parser parser = new Parser(scanner);
GPLEX のサンプルコード:
%using Parser; //include the namespace of the generated Parser-class
%Namespace Scanner //names the Namespace of the generated Scanner-class
%visibility public //visibility of the types "Tokens","ScanBase","Scanner"
%scannertype Scanner //names the Scannerclass to "Scanner"
%scanbasetype ScanBase //names the Scanbaseclass to "ScanBase"
%tokentype Tokens //names the Tokenenumeration to "Tokens"
%option codePage:65001 out:Scanner.cs /*see the documentation of GPLEX for further Options you can use */
%{ //user-specified code will be copied in the Output-file
OR [Oo][Rr]
AND [Aa][Nn][Dd]
Identifier [A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]*
%% //Rules Section
%{ //user-code that will be executed before getting the next token
{OR} {return (int)Tokens.kwAND;}
{AND} {return (int)Tokens.kwAND;}
{Identifier} {yylval = yytext; return (int)Tokens.ID;}
%% //User-code Section
GPPG 入力ファイルのサンプルコード:
%using Scanner //include the Namespace of the scanner-class
%output=Parser.cs //names the output-file
%namespace Parser //names the namespace of the Parser-class
%parsertype Parser //names the Parserclass to "Parser"
%scanbasetype ScanBase //names the ScanBaseclass to "ScanBase"
%tokentype Tokens //names the Tokensenumeration to "Tokens"
%token kwAND "AND", kwOR "OR" //the received Tokens from GPLEX
%token ID
%% //Grammar Rules Section
program : /* nothing */
| Statements
Statements : EXPR "AND" EXPR
%% User-code Section
// Don't forget to declare the Parser-Constructor
public Parser(Scanner scnr) : base(scnr) { }
c#パースgppg gplex