I've been trying to build live555 according to this guide:


as well as using some other guides, all to no avail.

If someone has succeeded in porting live555 to android can you, please, tell me how I can do so?


3 に答える 3


I successfully built the project as follows:

git clone https://github.com/boltonli/ohbee.git
cd ohbee/android/streamer
android update project --path . --name "streamer" --target "android-15"
cp lib/jnix.jar libs/ # This is the only trick
ant debug

The jar was in the lib/ directory rather than libs/.

If that doesn't resolve the issue you were or are having, you'll have to be more specific and share the steps you've taken and what problems you're encountering.

于 2012-06-14T04:58:18.023 に答える

To compile Live555 streaming media for ARM/Linux try following steps:

> cd live
> ./genMakefiles armlinux
> make

Pre-built binary package:


Hope it helps !

于 2012-06-13T13:42:42.010 に答える

This answer worked for me and I was able to build the project in Android Studio:

However, at runtime, I was getting a java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError at the line in MainActivity.java: System.loadLibrary("jnix");

libjnix.so is missing from ohbee/android/streamer/*, but the armeabi binary is in ohbee/android/streamer2/libs/armeabi. When I copied this into my src/main/jniLibs/armeabi, I was able to run the application on Samsung Galaxy Note S3. It streams the camera into an RTPSink instance with a dummy address.

Obviously, targets which are not armeabi will not work (so virtual devices don't work), and I haven't been able to find the source for the jnix libs (only the headers).

于 2016-05-11T02:55:32.470 に答える