私の質問は、A *パスファインディングスクリプトとアセットを完成させるまで、彼のチュートリアルを段階的に実行したが、Unityでエラーが発生したことです。
これは、次の行でエラーメッセージを表示するコードですpublic class Tile: GridObject, IHasNeighbours<Tile>
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System;
using System.Linq;
using UnityEngine;
public class Tile: GridObject, IHasNeighbours<Tile>
public bool Passable;
public Tile(int x, int y)
: base(x, y)
Passable = true;
public IEnumerable AllNeighbours { get; set; }
public IEnumerable Neighbours
get { return AllNeighbours.Where(o => o.Passable); }
public static List<Point> NeighbourShift
return new List<Point>
new Point(0, 1),
new Point(1, 0),
new Point(1, -1),
new Point(0, -1),
new Point(-1, 0),
new Point(-1, 1),
public void FindNeighbours(Dictionary<Point, Tile> Board, Vector2 BoardSize, bool EqualLineLengths)
List<Tile> neighbours = new List<Tile>();
foreach (Point point in NeighbourShift)
int neighbourX = X + point.X;
int neighbourY = Y + point.Y;
//x coordinate offset specific to straight axis coordinates
int xOffset = neighbourY / 2;
//if every second hexagon row has less hexagons than the first one, just skip the last one when we come to it
if (neighbourY % 2 != 0 && !EqualLineLengths && neighbourX + xOffset == BoardSize.x - 1)
//check to determine if currently processed coordinate is still inside the board limits
if (neighbourX >= 0 - xOffset &&
neighbourX < (int)BoardSize.x - xOffset &&
neighbourY >= 0 && neighbourY < (int)BoardSize.y)
neighbours.Add(Board[new Point(neighbourX, neighbourY)]);
AllNeighbours = neighbours;
アーロン :)