Python 2.7 と Gedit を使用しています。収入を計算する簡単なプログラムを書きました。変数を配列に格納すると便利だと思いますが、これは可能ですか?
# this is a test program
# my work week that I wish could hold the values of the following variables
workweek = ['sunday', 'monday', 'tuesday', 'wednesday', 'thursday', 'friday', 'saturday']
# The variables I would like to place in an array
sunday = 0
monday = 0
tuesday = 0
wednesday = 9
thursday = 9
friday = 9
saturday = 9
print sunday + monday + tuesday + wednesday + thursday + friday + saturday
# my wage for sunday through thursday
weekdaywage = 4.25
# my wage for friday and saturday
weekendwage = 3.25
# this is my wages on thursday...
print thursday * weekdaywage
# this is coming out as an error? What can I do as a workaround
# I did a googlesearch
# All I need is a link to learning material if you don't have time to explain
print workweek * weekdaywage