function getFileList($dir)
// array to hold return value
$retval = array();
// add trailing slash if missing
if(substr($dir, -1) != "/") $dir .= "/";
// open pointer to directory and read list of files
$d = @dir($dir) or die("getFileList: Failed opening directory $dir for reading");
while(false !== ($entry = $d->read())) {
// skip hidden files
if($entry[0] == ".") continue;
if(is_dir("$dir$entry")) {
$retval[] = array(
"name" => "$dir$entry/",
"type" => filetype("$dir$entry"),
"size" => 0,
"lastmod" => filemtime("$dir$entry")
} elseif(is_readable("$dir$entry")) {
$retval[] = array(
"name" => "$dir$entry",
"type" => mime_content_type("$dir$entry"),
"size" => filesize("$dir$entry"),
"lastmod" => filemtime("$dir$entry")
return $retval;
// examples for scanning the current directory
$dirlist = getFileList(".");
$dirlist = getFileList("./");
結果を HTML ページに出力するには、返された配列をループするだけです。
// output file list as HTML table
echo "<table border="1">\n";
echo "<tr><th>Name</th><th>Type</th><th>Size</th><th>Last Mod.</th></tr>\n";
foreach($dirlist as $file) {
echo "<tr>\n";
echo "<td>{$file['name']}</td>\n";
echo "<td>{$file['type']}</td>\n";
echo "<td>{$file['size']}</td>\n";
echo "<td>",date('r', $file['lastmod']),"</td>\n";
echo "</tr>\n";
echo "</table>\n\n";