function addwindow(questionText) {
if(window.console) console.log();
if($(plusbutton_clicked).attr('id')=='mainPlusbutton') {
} else {
return false;
<form id="QandA" action="<?php echo htmlentities($action); ?>" method="post">
<div id="detailsBlock">
<table id="question">
<td rowspan="3">Question:</td>
<td rowspan="3">
<textarea class="questionTextArea" id="mainTextarea" rows="5" cols="40" name="questionText"></textarea>
<table id="plus" align="center">
<a onclick="return plusbutton();">
<img src="Images/plussign.jpg" width="30" height="30" alt="Look Up Previous Question" class="plusimage" id="mainPlusbutton" name="plusbuttonrow"/>
<span id="plussignmsg">(Click Plus Sign to look <br/> up Previous Questions)</span>
var plusbutton_clicked;
function insertQuestion(form) {
var $tbody = $('#qandatbl > tbody');
var $tr = $("<tr class='optionAndAnswer' align='center'></tr>");
var $plusrow = $("<td class='plusrow'></td>");
var $question = $("<td class='question'></td>");
$('.questionTextArea').each( function() {
var $this = $(this);
var $questionText = $("<textarea class='textAreaQuestion'></textarea>").attr('name',$this.attr('name')+"[]")
$('.plusimage').each( function() {
var $this = $(this);
var $plusimagerow = $("<a onclick='return plusbutton();'><img src='Images/plussign.jpg' width='30' height='30' alt='Look Up Previous Question' class='imageplus'/></a>").attr('name',$this.attr('name')+"[]")
You can view application here. Please follow the steps to use the application:
- Click on "Add Question" button, then will add a textarea within a new row.
- Click on the "Green Plus" button within the table row you just added, a modal window will appear.
- In modal window it displays a search bar, in search bar type in "AAA" and click on "Search" button
- Results will appear of your search, click on "Add" button to add a row. You will find out modal window is closed but the content from the "Question" field is not added in the textarea within the row you clicked on the green plus button
If you did the steps in the top textarea (the one above the horizontal line), then it does work, it just doesn't work for textarea which you have just added