<xsl:stylesheet version="2.0" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform">
<xsl:output indent="yes"/>
<xsl:strip-space elements="*"/>
<xsl:template match="node()|@*">
<xsl:apply-templates select="node()|@*"/>
<xsl:template match="*[*][deep-equal(.,preceding::*[name()=current()/name()][@id=current()/@id][1])]"/>
<nodeA id="a">
<section id="i">
<item1 id="0" method="create">
<item1 id="1" method="create">
<section id="i">
<item1 id="0" method="create"> <!-- second consecutive create, we will remove this -->
<item1 id="0" method="create"> <!-- third consecutive create, BUT children have different value , so we don't remove this -->
<item1 id="3" method="create">
<item1 id="0" method="change">
<item1 id="0" method="change"> <!-- second consecutive create, we will remove this -->
<nodeA id="a">
<section id="i">
<item1 id="0" method="create">
<item1 id="1" method="create">
<section id="i">
<item1 id="0" method="create"> <!-- third consecutive create, BUT children have different value , so we don't remove this -->
<item1 id="3" method="create">
<item1 id="0" method="change">
2 番目の入力例:
<nodeA id="a">
<section id="i">
<item1 id="0" method="create">
<item1 id="1" method="create">
<section id="i">
<item1 id="0" method="create"> <!-- second consecutive create, we will remove this -->
<item1 id="0" method="create"> <!-- third consecutive create, BUT children have different value , so we don't remove this -->
<item1 id="3" method="create">
<item1 id="0" method="change">
<item1 id="0" method="change"> <!-- second consecutive create, we will remove this -->
<nodeA id="b">
<section id="i">
<item1 id="0" method="create">
<item1 id="1" method="create">
<section id="i">
<item1 id="0" method="create"> <!-- second consecutive create, we will remove this -->
<item1 id="0" method="create"> <!-- third consecutive create, BUT children have different value , so we don't remove this -->
<item1 id="3" method="create">
<item1 id="0" method="change">
<item1 id="0" method="change"> <!-- second consecutive create, we will remove this -->
<nodeA id="a">
<section id="i">
<item1 id="0" method="create">
<item1 id="1" method="create">
<section id="i">
<item1 id="0" method="create"><!-- third consecutive create, BUT children have different value , so we don't remove this --><somechild>bbb</somechild>
<item1 id="3" method="create">
<item1 id="0" method="change">
<nodeA id="b">
<section id="i">
<item1 id="0" method="create">
<section id="i">
<item1 id="0" method="create"><!-- third consecutive create, BUT children have different value , so we don't remove this --><somechild>bbb</somechild>
<item1 id="0" method="change">
<nodeA id="a">
<section id="i">
<item1 id="0" method="create">
<item1 id="1" method="create">
<section id="i">
<item1 id="0" method="create"> <!-- third consecutive create, BUT children have different value , so we don't remove this -->
<item1 id="3" method="create">
<item1 id="0" method="change">
<nodeA id="b">
<section id="i">
<item1 id="0" method="create">
<item1 id="1" method="create">
<section id="i">
<item1 id="0" method="create"> <!-- third consecutive create, BUT children have different value , so we don't remove this -->
<item1 id="3" method="create">
<item1 id="0" method="change">
2 つ以上のノードの親などに対して機能させるには、XSLT ファイルに何を追加する必要がありますnodeA
successive duplicate
。same element name
正確な、same id
、same method
およびを含む他のノードが続く XML ノードは、same children
重複していると見なされます。比較されている 2 つのノードが同じ「nodeA」レベルのノードを共有していない場合、それらは削除される重複と見なされるべきではありません。