それで、stackoverflow で与えられた指示に基づいて、最終的に「cpanm」をインストールし、CGI および DBI モジュールをインストールするために、perlbrew を使用して 64 ビット Solaris 仮想マシンに新しいバージョンの Perl をインストールしようとしていました。 DBD::Oracle ドライバー。これらは私が従った手順です:

1) gcc およびその他のビルド ツールをインストールします。

2,3) perlbrew をインストール...

4) 新しい Perl をインストールする

Perl 5.16.0 は、Socket.pm でのテストの失敗を無視した後、正常にインストールされました

    Test Summary Report
    ../cpan/Socket/t/getnameinfo.t   (Wstat: 256 Tests: 14 Failed: 1)
      Failed test:  10
      Non-zero exit status: 1

5) モジュールをインストールします...

を使用してDBIモジュールをインストールしようとするとcpanm -v DBI、これが出力されます。

Test Summary Report
    t/zvg_85gofer.t               (Wstat: 256 Tests: 211 Failed: 1)
      Failed test:  107
      Non-zero exit status: 1
    t/zvn_85gofer.t               (Wstat: 256 Tests: 211 Failed: 1)
      Failed test:  81
      Non-zero exit status: 1
    t/zvp_85gofer.t               (Wstat: 256 Tests: 219 Failed: 1)
      Failed test:  89
      Non-zero exit status: 1
    Files=182, Tests=8252, 128 wallclock secs ( 3.67 usr  2.56 sys + 82.68 cusr 37.78 csys = 126.69 CPU)
    Result: FAIL
    Failed 3/182 test programs. 3/8252 subtests failed.
    *** Error code 255
    make: Fatal error: Command failed for target `test_dynamic'
    ! Installing DBI failed. See /home/oracle/.cpanm/build.log for details.

だから私は先に進んvi /home/oracle/.cpanm/build.logで、これがbuild.logにあったものでした:

cpanm (App::cpanminus) 1.5011 on perl 5.016000 built for i86pc-solaris
Work directory is /home/oracle/.cpanm/work/1339087258.18143
You have make /usr/bin/make
You have /usr/bin/wget
You have /usr/sbin/tar, /usr/bin/gzip and /usr/bin/bzip2
You have /usr/bin/unzip
Searching DBI on cpanmetadb ...
--> Working on DBI
Fetching http://www.cpan.org/authors/id/T/TI/TIMB/DBI-1.622.tar.gz
-> OK
Unpacking DBI-1.622.tar.gz
Entering DBI-1.622
Checking configure dependencies from META.yml
Checking if you have ExtUtils::MakeMaker 0 ... Yes (6.63_02)
Configuring DBI-1.622
Running Makefile.PL
-> OK
Checking dependencies from MYMETA.json ...
Checking if you have ExtUtils::MakeMaker 6.48 ... Yes (6.63_02)
Checking if you have Test::Simple 0.90 ... Yes (0.98)
Building and testing DBI-1.622
-> FAIL Installing DBI failed. See /home/oracle/.cpanm/build.log for details.
"~/.cpanm/build.log" 22 lines, 858 characters

Doing からの出力 cd ~/.cpanm/latest-build/DBI-1.622に続くmake test > /home/oracle/Desktop/DBI_Output:

PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /home/oracle/perl5/perlbrew/perls/perl-5.16.0/bin/perl "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" "test_harness(0, 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t
t/01basics.t .................... ok
t/02dbidrv.t .................... ok
t/03handle.t .................... ok
t/04mods.t ...................... ok
t/05concathash.t ................ ok
t/06attrs.t ..................... ok
t/07kids.t ...................... ok
t/08keeperr.t ................... ok
t/09trace.t ..................... ok
t/10examp.t ..................... ok
t/11fetch.t ..................... ok
t/12quote.t ..................... ok
t/13taint.t ..................... ok
t/14utf8.t ...................... ok
t/15array.t ..................... ok
t/16destroy.t ................... ok
t/19fhtrace.t ................... ok
t/20meta.t ...................... ok
t/30subclass.t .................. ok
t/31methcache.t ................. ok
t/35thrclone.t .................. skipped: this solaris perl 5.016000 not supported for DBI iThreads
t/40profile.t ................... ok
t/41prof_dump.t ................. ok
t/42prof_data.t ................. ok
t/43prof_env.t .................. ok
t/48dbi_dbd_sqlengine.t ......... ok
t/49dbd_file.t .................. ok
t/50dbm_simple.t ................ ok
t/51dbm_file.t .................. ok
t/52dbm_complex.t ............... skipped: DBI::SQL::Nano is being used
t/60preparse.t .................. ok
t/65transact.t .................. ok
t/70callbacks.t ................. ok
t/72childhandles.t .............. ok
t/80proxy.t ..................... skipped: modules required for proxy are probably not installed (e.g., RPC/PlClient.pm)
t/85gofer.t ..................... ok
t/86gofer_fail.t ................ ok
t/87gofer_cache.t ............... ok
t/90sql_type_cast.t ............. ok
t/pod-coverage.t ................ skipped: Test::Pod::Coverage 1.04 required for testing POD coverage
t/pod.t ......................... skipped: Test::Pod 1.00 required for testing POD
t/zvg_01basics.t ................ ok
t/zvg_02dbidrv.t ................ ok
t/zvg_03handle.t ................ ok
t/zvg_04mods.t .................. ok
t/zvg_05concathash.t ............ ok
t/zvg_06attrs.t ................. ok
t/zvg_07kids.t .................. ok
t/zvg_08keeperr.t ............... ok
t/zvg_09trace.t ................. ok
t/zvg_10examp.t ................. ok
t/zvg_11fetch.t ................. ok
t/zvg_12quote.t ................. ok
t/zvg_13taint.t ................. skipped: Taint attribute tests not functional with DBI_AUTOPROXY
t/zvg_14utf8.t .................. ok
t/zvg_15array.t ................. ok
t/zvg_16destroy.t ............... ok
t/zvg_19fhtrace.t ............... ok
t/zvg_20meta.t .................. ok
t/zvg_30subclass.t .............. ok
t/zvg_31methcache.t ............. ok
t/zvg_35thrclone.t .............. skipped: this solaris perl 5.016000 not supported for DBI iThreads
t/zvg_40profile.t ............... ok
t/zvg_41prof_dump.t ............. ok
t/zvg_42prof_data.t ............. ok
t/zvg_43prof_env.t .............. ok
t/zvg_48dbi_dbd_sqlengine.t ..... ok
t/zvg_49dbd_file.t .............. ok
t/zvg_50dbm_simple.t ............ ok
t/zvg_51dbm_file.t .............. ok
t/zvg_52dbm_complex.t ........... skipped: DBI::SQL::Nano is being used
t/zvg_60preparse.t .............. ok
t/zvg_65transact.t .............. skipped: Transactions not supported by DBD::Gofer
t/zvg_70callbacks.t ............. ok
t/zvg_72childhandles.t .......... ok
t/zvg_80proxy.t ................. skipped: modules required for proxy are probably not installed (e.g., RPC/PlClient.pm)
t/zvg_85gofer.t ................. ok
t/zvg_86gofer_fail.t ............ skipped: Gofer DBI_AUTOPROXY
t/zvg_87gofer_cache.t ........... skipped: Gofer DBI_AUTOPROXY
t/zvg_90sql_type_cast.t ......... ok
t/zvn_48dbi_dbd_sqlengine.t ..... ok
t/zvn_49dbd_file.t .............. ok
t/zvn_50dbm_simple.t ............ ok
t/zvn_51dbm_file.t .............. ok
t/zvn_52dbm_complex.t ........... skipped: DBI::SQL::Nano is being used
t/zvn_85gofer.t ................. 
Dubious, test returned 1 (wstat 256, 0x100)
Failed 1/219 subtests 
    (less 16 skipped subtests: 202 okay)
t/zvp_01basics.t ................ ok
t/zvp_02dbidrv.t ................ ok
t/zvp_03handle.t ................ ok
t/zvp_04mods.t .................. ok
t/zvp_05concathash.t ............ ok
t/zvp_06attrs.t ................. ok
t/zvp_07kids.t .................. skipped: $h->{Kids} attribute not supported for DBI::PurePerl
t/zvp_08keeperr.t ............... ok
t/zvp_09trace.t ................. ok
t/zvp_10examp.t ................. ok
t/zvp_11fetch.t ................. ok
t/zvp_12quote.t ................. ok
t/zvp_13taint.t ................. skipped: Taint attributes not supported with DBI::PurePerl
t/zvp_14utf8.t .................. ok
t/zvp_15array.t ................. ok
t/zvp_16destroy.t ............... ok
t/zvp_19fhtrace.t ............... ok
t/zvp_20meta.t .................. ok
t/zvp_30subclass.t .............. ok
t/zvp_31methcache.t ............. ok
t/zvp_35thrclone.t .............. skipped: this solaris perl 5.016000 not supported for DBI iThreads
t/zvp_40profile.t ............... skipped: profiling not supported for DBI::PurePerl
t/zvp_41prof_dump.t ............. skipped: profiling not supported for DBI::PurePerl
t/zvp_42prof_data.t ............. skipped: profiling not supported for DBI::PurePerl
t/zvp_43prof_env.t .............. skipped: profiling not supported for DBI::PurePerl
t/zvp_48dbi_dbd_sqlengine.t ..... ok
t/zvp_49dbd_file.t .............. ok
t/zvp_50dbm_simple.t ............ ok
t/zvp_51dbm_file.t .............. ok
t/zvp_52dbm_complex.t ........... skipped: DBI::SQL::Nano is being used
t/zvp_60preparse.t .............. skipped: preparse not supported for DBI::PurePerl
t/zvp_65transact.t .............. ok
t/zvp_70callbacks.t ............. skipped: $h->{Callbacks} attribute not supported for DBI::PurePerl
t/zvp_72childhandles.t .......... ok
t/zvp_80proxy.t ................. skipped: modules required for proxy are probably not installed (e.g., RPC/PlClient.pm)
t/zvp_85gofer.t ................. ok
t/zvp_86gofer_fail.t ............ skipped: requires Callbacks which are not supported with PurePerl
t/zvp_87gofer_cache.t ........... ok
t/zvp_90sql_type_cast.t ......... ok
t/zvxgn_48dbi_dbd_sqlengine.t ... ok
t/zvxgn_49dbd_file.t ............ ok
t/zvxgn_50dbm_simple.t .......... ok
t/zvxgn_51dbm_file.t ............ ok
t/zvxgn_52dbm_complex.t ......... skipped: DBI::SQL::Nano is being used
t/zvxgn_85gofer.t ............... 
Dubious, test returned 2 (wstat 512, 0x200)
Failed 2/202 subtests 
    (less 35 skipped subtests: 165 okay)
t/zvxgnp_48dbi_dbd_sqlengine.t .. ok
t/zvxgnp_49dbd_file.t ........... ok
t/zvxgnp_50dbm_simple.t ......... ok
t/zvxgnp_51dbm_file.t ........... ok
t/zvxgnp_52dbm_complex.t ........ skipped: DBI::SQL::Nano is being used
t/zvxgnp_85gofer.t .............. 
Dubious, test returned 1 (wstat 256, 0x100)
Failed 1/216 subtests 
    (less 40 skipped subtests: 175 okay)
t/zvxgp_01basics.t .............. ok
t/zvxgp_02dbidrv.t .............. ok
t/zvxgp_03handle.t .............. ok
t/zvxgp_04mods.t ................ ok
t/zvxgp_05concathash.t .......... ok
t/zvxgp_06attrs.t ............... ok
t/zvxgp_07kids.t ................ skipped: $h->{Kids} attribute not supported for DBI::PurePerl
t/zvxgp_08keeperr.t ............. ok
t/zvxgp_09trace.t ............... ok
t/zvxgp_10examp.t ............... ok
t/zvxgp_11fetch.t ............... ok
t/zvxgp_12quote.t ............... ok
t/zvxgp_13taint.t ............... skipped: Taint attributes not supported with DBI::PurePerl
t/zvxgp_14utf8.t ................ ok
t/zvxgp_15array.t ............... ok
t/zvxgp_16destroy.t ............. ok
t/zvxgp_19fhtrace.t ............. ok
t/zvxgp_20meta.t ................ ok
t/zvxgp_30subclass.t ............ ok
t/zvxgp_31methcache.t ........... ok
t/zvxgp_35thrclone.t ............ skipped: this solaris perl 5.016000 not supported for DBI iThreads
t/zvxgp_40profile.t ............. skipped: profiling not supported for DBI::PurePerl
t/zvxgp_41prof_dump.t ........... skipped: profiling not supported for DBI::PurePerl
t/zvxgp_42prof_data.t ........... skipped: profiling not supported for DBI::PurePerl
t/zvxgp_43prof_env.t ............ skipped: profiling not supported for DBI::PurePerl
t/zvxgp_48dbi_dbd_sqlengine.t ... ok
t/zvxgp_49dbd_file.t ............ ok
t/zvxgp_50dbm_simple.t .......... ok
t/zvxgp_51dbm_file.t ............ ok
t/zvxgp_52dbm_complex.t ......... skipped: DBI::SQL::Nano is being used
t/zvxgp_60preparse.t ............ skipped: preparse not supported for DBI::PurePerl
t/zvxgp_65transact.t ............ skipped: Transactions not supported by DBD::Gofer
t/zvxgp_70callbacks.t ........... skipped: $h->{Callbacks} attribute not supported for DBI::PurePerl
t/zvxgp_72childhandles.t ........ ok
t/zvxgp_80proxy.t ............... skipped: modules required for proxy are probably not installed (e.g., RPC/PlClient.pm)
t/zvxgp_85gofer.t ............... 
Dubious, test returned 1 (wstat 256, 0x100)
Failed 1/217 subtests 
    (less 40 skipped subtests: 176 okay)
t/zvxgp_86gofer_fail.t .......... skipped: requires Callbacks which are not supported with PurePerl
t/zvxgp_87gofer_cache.t ......... skipped: Gofer DBI_AUTOPROXY
t/zvxgp_90sql_type_cast.t ....... ok
t/zvxnp_48dbi_dbd_sqlengine.t ... ok
t/zvxnp_49dbd_file.t ............ ok
t/zvxnp_50dbm_simple.t .......... ok
t/zvxnp_51dbm_file.t ............ ok
t/zvxnp_52dbm_complex.t ......... skipped: DBI::SQL::Nano is being used
t/zvxnp_85gofer.t ............... ok

Test Summary Report
t/zvn_85gofer.t               (Wstat: 256 Tests: 219 Failed: 1)
  Failed test:  141
  Non-zero exit status: 1
t/zvxgn_85gofer.t             (Wstat: 512 Tests: 202 Failed: 2)
  Failed tests:  87, 98
  Non-zero exit status: 2
t/zvxgnp_85gofer.t            (Wstat: 256 Tests: 216 Failed: 1)
  Failed test:  138
  Non-zero exit status: 1
t/zvxgp_85gofer.t             (Wstat: 256 Tests: 217 Failed: 1)
  Failed test:  113
  Non-zero exit status: 1
Files=182, Tests=8231, 126 wallclock secs ( 3.41 usr  2.41 sys + 80.87 cusr 37.61 csys = 124.30 CPU)
Result: FAIL
*** Error code 255

次に、zvxgn_85gofer.t の何が問題なのかを突き止めようとしました。だから私はやったmake test TEST_VERBOSE=1

t/zvxnp_85gofer.t ............... 
# Transports: null pipeone stream stream_ssh
# Policies: pedantic classic rush
# Count: 0
# =============
# Testing null transport with pedantic policy
#  dbi:Gofer:transport=null;policy=pedantic;dsn=DBI:DBM:f_dir=/home/oracle/.cpanm/work/1339090926.19497/DBI-1.622/test_output_23432;dbm_type=SDBM_File;f_lockfile=0
ok 1 - should connect to dbi:Gofer:transport=null;policy=pedantic;dsn=DBI:DBM:f_dir=/home/oracle/.cpanm/work/1339090926.19497/DBI-1.622/test_output_23432;dbm_type=SDBM_File;f_lockfile=0
ok 2
ok 3
ok 4
ok 5 - should detect prepare failure
ok 6
ok 7
ok 8
ok 9
ok 10
ok 11
ok 12 - go_response executed flag should be true
ok 13
ok 14
ok 15
ok 16
# Testing go_request_count and caching of simple values
ok 17
ok 18
ok 19
# use_remote=1 (policy=pedantic, transport=null) HASH(0x8a56738)
ok 20
ok 21
ok 22
ok 23 # skip caching of metadata methods returning sth not yet implemented
ok 24 # skip caching of metadata methods returning sth not yet implemented
ok 25
ok 26
# =============
# Testing null transport with classic policy
#  dbi:Gofer:transport=null;policy=classic;dsn=DBI:DBM:f_dir=/home/oracle/.cpanm/work/1339090926.19497/DBI-1.622/test_output_23432;dbm_type=SDBM_File;f_lockfile=0
ok 27 - should connect to dbi:Gofer:transport=null;policy=classic;dsn=DBI:DBM:f_dir=/home/oracle/.cpanm/work/1339090926.19497/DBI-1.622/test_output_23432;dbm_type=SDBM_File;f_lockfile=0
ok 28
ok 29
ok 30
ok 31 - The object isa DBI::st
ok 32
ok 33
ok 34
ok 35
ok 36
ok 37
ok 38 - go_response executed flag should be true
ok 39
ok 40
ok 41
ok 42
# Testing go_request_count and caching of simple values
ok 43
ok 44
ok 45
# use_remote=0 (policy=classic, transport=null) HASH(0x8a40118)
ok 46
ok 47
ok 48
ok 49 # skip caching of metadata methods returning sth not yet implemented
ok 50 # skip caching of metadata methods returning sth not yet implemented
ok 51
ok 52
# =============
# Testing null transport with rush policy
#  dbi:Gofer:transport=null;policy=rush;dsn=DBI:DBM:f_dir=/home/oracle/.cpanm/work/1339090926.19497/DBI-1.622/test_output_23432;dbm_type=SDBM_File;f_lockfile=0
ok 53 - should connect to dbi:Gofer:transport=null;policy=rush;dsn=DBI:DBM:f_dir=/home/oracle/.cpanm/work/1339090926.19497/DBI-1.622/test_output_23432;dbm_type=SDBM_File;f_lockfile=0
ok 54
ok 55
ok 56
ok 57 - The object isa DBI::st
ok 58
ok 59
ok 60
ok 61
ok 62
ok 63
ok 64 - go_response executed flag should be true
ok 65
ok 66
ok 67
ok 68
# Testing go_request_count and caching of simple values
ok 69
ok 70
ok 71
# use_remote=0 (policy=rush, transport=null) HASH(0x8a51920)
ok 72
ok 73
ok 74
ok 75 # skip caching of metadata methods returning sth not yet implemented
ok 76 # skip caching of metadata methods returning sth not yet implemented
ok 77
ok 78
# =============
# Testing pipeone transport with pedantic policy
#  dbi:Gofer:transport=pipeone;policy=pedantic;perl=/home/oracle/perl5/perlbrew/perls/perl-5.16.0/bin/perl  -Mblib=/home/oracle/.cpanm/work/1339090926.19497/DBI-1.622/blib;timeout=240;dsn=DBI:DBM:f_dir=/home/oracle/.cpanm/work/1339090926.19497/DBI-1.622/test_output_23432;dbm_type=SDBM_File;f_lockfile=0
ok 79 - should connect to dbi:Gofer:transport=pipeone;policy=pedantic;perl=/home/oracle/perl5/perlbrew/perls/perl-5.16.0/bin/perl  -Mblib=/home/oracle/.cpanm/work/1339090926.19497/DBI-1.622/blib;timeout=240;dsn=DBI:DBM:f_dir=/home/oracle/.cpanm/work/1339090926.19497/DBI-1.622/test_output_23432;dbm_type=SDBM_File;f_lockfile=0
ok 80
ok 81
ok 82
ok 83 - should detect prepare failure
ok 84
ok 85
ok 86
ok 87
ok 88
ok 89
ok 90 - go_response executed flag should be true
ok 91
ok 92
ok 93
ok 94
# Testing go_request_count and caching of simple values
ok 95
ok 96
ok 97
# use_remote=1 (policy=pedantic, transport=pipeone) HASH(0x8aa2600)
ok 98
ok 99
ok 100
ok 101 # skip caching of metadata methods returning sth not yet implemented
ok 102 # skip caching of metadata methods returning sth not yet implemented
ok 103
ok 104
# =============
# Testing pipeone transport with classic policy
#  dbi:Gofer:transport=pipeone;policy=classic;perl=/home/oracle/perl5/perlbrew/perls/perl-5.16.0/bin/perl  -Mblib=/home/oracle/.cpanm/work/1339090926.19497/DBI-1.622/blib;timeout=240;dsn=DBI:DBM:f_dir=/home/oracle/.cpanm/work/1339090926.19497/DBI-1.622/test_output_23432;dbm_type=SDBM_File;f_lockfile=0
ok 105 - should connect to dbi:Gofer:transport=pipeone;policy=classic;perl=/home/oracle/perl5/perlbrew/perls/perl-5.16.0/bin/perl  -Mblib=/home/oracle/.cpanm/work/1339090926.19497/DBI-1.622/blib;timeout=240;dsn=DBI:DBM:f_dir=/home/oracle/.cpanm/work/1339090926.19497/DBI-1.622/test_output_23432;dbm_type=SDBM_File;f_lockfile=0
ok 106
ok 107
ok 108
ok 109 - The object isa DBI::st
ok 110
ok 111
ok 112
ok 113
ok 114
ok 115
ok 116 - go_response executed flag should be true
ok 117
ok 118
ok 119
ok 120
# Testing go_request_count and caching of simple values
ok 121
ok 122
ok 123
# use_remote=0 (policy=classic, transport=pipeone) HASH(0x8aa2550)
ok 124
ok 125
ok 126
ok 127 # skip caching of metadata methods returning sth not yet implemented
ok 128 # skip caching of metadata methods returning sth not yet implemented
ok 129
ok 130
# =============
# Testing pipeone transport with rush policy
#  dbi:Gofer:transport=pipeone;policy=rush;perl=/home/oracle/perl5/perlbrew/perls/perl-5.16.0/bin/perl  -Mblib=/home/oracle/.cpanm/work/1339090926.19497/DBI-1.622/blib;timeout=240;dsn=DBI:DBM:f_dir=/home/oracle/.cpanm/work/1339090926.19497/DBI-1.622/test_output_23432;dbm_type=SDBM_File;f_lockfile=0
ok 131 - should connect to dbi:Gofer:transport=pipeone;policy=rush;perl=/home/oracle/perl5/perlbrew/perls/perl-5.16.0/bin/perl  -Mblib=/home/oracle/.cpanm/work/1339090926.19497/DBI-1.622/blib;timeout=240;dsn=DBI:DBM:f_dir=/home/oracle/.cpanm/work/1339090926.19497/DBI-1.622/test_output_23432;dbm_type=SDBM_File;f_lockfile=0
ok 132
ok 133
ok 134
ok 135 - The object isa DBI::st
ok 136
ok 137
ok 138
ok 139
ok 140
ok 141
ok 142 - go_response executed flag should be true
ok 143
ok 144
ok 145
ok 146
# Testing go_request_count and caching of simple values
ok 147
ok 148
ok 149
# use_remote=0 (policy=rush, transport=pipeone) HASH(0x8aa2b90)
ok 150
ok 151
ok 152
ok 153 # skip caching of metadata methods returning sth not yet implemented
ok 154 # skip caching of metadata methods returning sth not yet implemented
ok 155
ok 156
# =============
# Testing stream transport with pedantic policy
#  dbi:Gofer:transport=stream;policy=pedantic;perl=/home/oracle/perl5/perlbrew/perls/perl-5.16.0/bin/perl  -Mblib=/home/oracle/.cpanm/work/1339090926.19497/DBI-1.622/blib;timeout=240;dsn=DBI:DBM:f_dir=/home/oracle/.cpanm/work/1339090926.19497/DBI-1.622/test_output_23432;dbm_type=SDBM_File;f_lockfile=0
ok 157 - should connect to dbi:Gofer:transport=stream;policy=pedantic;perl=/home/oracle/perl5/perlbrew/perls/perl-5.16.0/bin/perl  -Mblib=/home/oracle/.cpanm/work/1339090926.19497/DBI-1.622/blib;timeout=240;dsn=DBI:DBM:f_dir=/home/oracle/.cpanm/work/1339090926.19497/DBI-1.622/test_output_23432;dbm_type=SDBM_File;f_lockfile=0
ok 158
ok 159
ok 160
ok 161 - should detect prepare failure
ok 162
ok 163
ok 164
ok 165
ok 166
ok 167
ok 168 - go_response executed flag should be true
ok 169
ok 170
ok 171
ok 172
# Testing go_request_count and caching of simple values
ok 173
ok 174
ok 175
# use_remote=1 (policy=pedantic, transport=stream) HASH(0x8abb8a8)
ok 176
ok 177
ok 178
ok 179 # skip caching of metadata methods returning sth not yet implemented
ok 180 # skip caching of metadata methods returning sth not yet implemented
ok 181
ok 182
# =============
# Testing stream transport with classic policy
#  dbi:Gofer:transport=stream;policy=classic;perl=/home/oracle/perl5/perlbrew/perls/perl-5.16.0/bin/perl  -Mblib=/home/oracle/.cpanm/work/1339090926.19497/DBI-1.622/blib;timeout=240;dsn=DBI:DBM:f_dir=/home/oracle/.cpanm/work/1339090926.19497/DBI-1.622/test_output_23432;dbm_type=SDBM_File;f_lockfile=0
ok 183 - should connect to dbi:Gofer:transport=stream;policy=classic;perl=/home/oracle/perl5/perlbrew/perls/perl-5.16.0/bin/perl  -Mblib=/home/oracle/.cpanm/work/1339090926.19497/DBI-1.622/blib;timeout=240;dsn=DBI:DBM:f_dir=/home/oracle/.cpanm/work/1339090926.19497/DBI-1.622/test_output_23432;dbm_type=SDBM_File;f_lockfile=0
ok 184
ok 185
ok 186
ok 187 - The object isa DBI::st
ok 188
ok 189
ok 190
ok 191
ok 192
ok 193
ok 194 - go_response executed flag should be true
ok 195
ok 196
ok 197
ok 198
# Testing go_request_count and caching of simple values
ok 199
ok 200
ok 201
# use_remote=0 (policy=classic, transport=stream) HASH(0x8abbec8)
ok 202
ok 203
ok 204
ok 205 # skip caching of metadata methods returning sth not yet implemented
ok 206 # skip caching of metadata methods returning sth not yet implemented
ok 207
ok 208
# =============
# Testing stream transport with rush policy
#  dbi:Gofer:transport=stream;policy=rush;perl=/home/oracle/perl5/perlbrew/perls/perl-5.16.0/bin/perl  -Mblib=/home/oracle/.cpanm/work/1339090926.19497/DBI-1.622/blib;timeout=240;dsn=DBI:DBM:f_dir=/home/oracle/.cpanm/work/1339090926.19497/DBI-1.622/test_output_23432;dbm_type=SDBM_File;f_lockfile=0
ok 209 - should connect to dbi:Gofer:transport=stream;policy=rush;perl=/home/oracle/perl5/perlbrew/perls/perl-5.16.0/bin/perl  -Mblib=/home/oracle/.cpanm/work/1339090926.19497/DBI-1.622/blib;timeout=240;dsn=DBI:DBM:f_dir=/home/oracle/.cpanm/work/1339090926.19497/DBI-1.622/test_output_23432;dbm_type=SDBM_File;f_lockfile=0
ok 210
ok 211
ok 212
ok 213 - The object isa DBI::st
ok 214
ok 215
ok 216
ok 217
ok 218
ok 219
ok 220 - go_response executed flag should be true
ok 221
ok 222
ok 223
ok 224
# Testing go_request_count and caching of simple values
ok 225
ok 226
ok 227
# use_remote=0 (policy=rush, transport=stream) HASH(0x8aa7a40)
ok 228
ok 229
ok 230
ok 231 # skip caching of metadata methods returning sth not yet implemented
ok 232 # skip caching of metadata methods returning sth not yet implemented
ok 233
ok 234

Test Summary Report
t/85gofer.t                   (Wstat: 256 Tests: 215 Failed: 1)
  Failed test:  137
  Non-zero exit status: 1
t/zvg_85gofer.t               (Wstat: 256 Tests: 214 Failed: 1)
  Failed test:  84
  Non-zero exit status: 1
t/zvn_85gofer.t               (Wstat: 512 Tests: 200 Failed: 2)
  Failed tests:  85, 122
  Non-zero exit status: 2
t/zvp_85gofer.t               (Wstat: 256 Tests: 217 Failed: 1)
  Failed test:  87
  Non-zero exit status: 1
t/zvxgnp_85gofer.t            (Wstat: 256 Tests: 219 Failed: 1)
  Failed test:  115
  Non-zero exit status: 1
Files=182, Tests=8208, 127 wallclock secs ( 3.86 usr  3.02 sys + 79.30 cusr 37.83 csys = 124.01 CPU)
Result: FAIL
Failed 5/182 test programs. 6/8208 subtests failed.

1 に答える 1


さて、すべての失敗したテストは DBD::Gopher に関連しています。(ひいては、Perl のインストールに失敗したことが原因かもしれませんが、これはgetnameinfo単なる仮説です。) DBI を使用する予定がない場合は、強制的に DBI をインストールすることもできます。

cpan -f -i DBI

私は通常、モジュールのインストールを強制することには強く反対することに注意してください (モジュールを魔法のように機能させるわけではなく、結果を理解せずに実行されるため)。

于 2012-06-07T19:32:02.133 に答える