I want to extend ModelForms with the main purpose of adding fields to the form. I think it is easier to see with an example:

# Basic listing
class BasicForm(ModelForm):
    class Meta:
        model = Business
        fields = ('category', 'city', 'name', 'address', 
                'slogan', 'phone', 'website', 'email')

class SocialForm(BasicForm):
    class Meta:
        model = Business
        fields = ('facebook','twitter')

Would that even work? Or would it just wipe out the other fields from BasicForm in SocialForm?

What is the correct way of doing this?


1 に答える 1



class SocialForm(BasicForm):
    class Meta(BasicForm.Meta):
        fields = BasicForm.Meta.fields + ('facebook', 'twitter')

そうすれば、定義を繰り返す必要がなくなり、追加する可能性のあるmodel = Business他の属性は によって自動的に継承されます。MetaBasicFormSocialForm

参考までに、このアプローチに関するDjango のドキュメントを次に示します。

于 2012-09-02T03:22:41.390 に答える