open( IN, " < filename.csv ");
open( OUT, " > output.csv ");
while (<IN>) { # reads in each line of the file
$line =~ s/Original_Value1/New_Value1/gi; # g is for global, i is to ignore case
$line =~ s/Original_Value2/New_Value2/gi; # g is for global, i is to ignore case
$line =~ s/Original_Value3/New_Value3/gi; # g is for global, i is to ignore case
# ... continue to your values... probably a better way of doing this from a file, but this is quick and dirty, and should work
print OUT $line; # prints out $line to the output file.
とにかく近いでしょう。私はかなり長い間 perl を書いていません。おそらく、PERL ゴルフが得意な人によって、数文字に最適化される可能性があります... =)