I've taken the cowboy example code and brooken it.
The code for the default request handler looked like this:
-export([init/3, handle/2, terminate/2]).
init({_Any, http}, Req, []) ->
{ok, Req, undefined}.
handle(Req, State) ->
{ok, Req2} = cowboy_http_req:reply(200, [], <<"Hello world!">>, Req),
{ok, Req2, State}.
terminate(_Req, _State) ->
its straight forward, but I wanted to make return files so I changed it to:
-export([init/3, handle/2, terminate/2]).
init({_Any, http}, Req, []) ->
{ok, Req, undefined}.
handle(Req, State) ->
{Path, Req1} = cowboy_http_req:path(Req),
{ok, File} = file:read_file(Path),
cowboy_http_req:reply(200, [], File, Req1)
{ok, Req2} ->
{ok, Req2, State}
_ ->
{ok, Req3} = cowboy_http_req:reply(200, [], <<"Hello world!">>, Req),
{ok, Req3, State}
terminate(_Req, _State) ->
The try-catch thing should handle the fact that there might not be a file, but it does not. Why is that?
When I try to fetch a file that is not there I get a large error report in the console, can anyone tell me why?
=ERROR REPORT==== 15-Jun-2012::14:24:54 ===
** Handler default_handler terminating in handle/2
for the reason error:{badmatch,{error,badarg}}
** Options were []
** Handler state was undefined
** Request was [{socket,#Port<0.1515>},
<<"Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/535.19 (KHTML, like Gecko) Ubuntu/10.10 Chromium/18.0.1025.151 Chrome/18.0.1025.151 Safari/535.19">>},
** Stacktrace: [{default_handler,handle,2,