// Where to start recursing, no trailing slash
$start_folder = './test';
// Where to output files
$output_folder = $start_folder;
function glob_each_dir ($start_folder, $callback) {
$search_pattern = $start_folder . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '*';
// Get just the folders in an array
$folders = glob($search_pattern, GLOB_ONLYDIR);
// Get just the files: there isn't an ONLYFILES option yet so just diff the
// entire folder contents against the previous array of folders
$files = array_diff(glob($search_pattern), $folders);
// Apply the callback function to the array of files
$callback($start_folder, $files);
if (!empty($folders)) {
// Call this function for every folder found
foreach ($folders as $folder) {
glob_each_dir($folder, $callback);
glob_each_dir('.', function ($folder_name, Array $filelist) {
// Generate a filename from the folder, changing / or \ into _
$output_filename = $_GLOBALS['output_folder']
. trim(strtr(str_replace(__DIR__, '', realpath($folder_name)), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '_'), '_')
. '.txt';
file_put_contents($output_filename, implode(PHP_EOL, $filelist));