// s: size
// w: width
// h: height
function blur( s, w, h ) {
var src = ctx.getImageData( 0, 0, w, h ); // get imagedata from source
var dst = ctx.createImageData( w, h ); // create imagedata for dest
var x, y, xo, index, rgb; // predefine vars
// loop through y axis
for( y = 0; y < h; y++ ) {
// loop through x axis
for( x = 0; x < w; x++ ) {
rgb = 0; // set total to 0
// loop through area around current pixel
for( xo = 0 - s; xo <= s; xo++ ) {
// get specific index
index = getIndex( x + xo, y, w );
// add nothing if the value doesn't exist (borders)
// if( isNaN( src.data[index] ) ) continue;
if( typeof src.data[index] === 'undefined' ) continue;
// add the values to total
rgb += ( src.data[index] << 16 ) + ( src.data[index + 1] << 8 ) + src.data[index + 2];
// get the average of all pixels in that area
rgb = rgb / ( s * 2 + 1);
// get index of current pixel
index = getIndex( x, y, w );
// set pixel in dest
dst.data[index] = ( rgb & 0xff0000 ) >> 16; // red
dst.data[index + 1] = ( rgb & 0x00ff00 ) >> 8; // green
dst.data[index + 2] = ( rgb & 0x0000ff ); // blue
dst.data[index + 3] = 255; // alpha
// add the new image data
ctx.putImageData( dst, 0, 0 );
function getIndex( x, y, w ) {
// calculate the appropriate index, since every pixel has 4 array values
return ( y * ( w * 4 ) + ( x * 4 ) );