I would like to use hidden field parameters(colour_id) to refine my search to fabrics associated with particular Colours.
Fabrics have many Colours, Suppliers and Categories
However I would like the paramers from hidden fields in my search form (colour_ids) to filter the fabrics, so that only fabrics associated with those colours are searched against.
From what I gather the best way of doing this would be to add scopes to my search, and pass the parameters of these hidden fields to the scope to narrow the search results to only fabrics that are associated with those colours.
My fabric model looks like this
class Fabric < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :fabric_categories
has_many :categories, :through => :fabric_categories
has_many :suppliers, :through => :fabric_suppliers
has_many :fabric_suppliers
has_many :colours, :through => :fabric_colours
has_many :fabric_colours
# solr search method
searchable do
text :name, :boost => 5
text :description
text :categories do
text :suppliers, :boost => 2 do
my controller
class FabricsController < ApplicationController
def index
@search = Fabric.search do
fulltext params[:search]
#scoped assets
@fabrics = @search.results
and my view
<%= form_tag fabrics_path, :method => :get, :class => 'form-search' do %>
<%= text_field_tag :search, params[:search], :class => 'query', id: "auto_complete", :placeholder => '', :autocomplete => "off" %>
<div id="colour_ids">
<%= hidden_field_tag :colour_1 %>
<%= submit_tag "Search", :name => nil, :class => 'btn', :id => 'search_button' %>
<% end %>