リクエストとレスポンスに関しては、ストラテジーパターンを使用してConnectionクラスにProtocolHandlerメンバーを定義できます。これにより、各実装は、それぞれのプロトコル(REST、SOAPなど)の詳細を処理、解析、マーシャリングなどできるクラスになります。 。ConnectionクラスのprocessMessage()メソッドとcreateMessage()メソッドは、ProtocolHandlerクラス階層を使用します。
// Your factory will create the Connection instance and fill in the
// corresponding ProtocolHandler concrete implementation instance
class Connection
// Depending on what else you need for the Connection,
// the constructors may be different
Connection() : handler_(NULL) {}
Connection(ProtocolHandler *handler) : handler_(handler) {}
inline void setProtocolHandler(ProtocolHandler *handler) {handler_ = handler;}
inline ProtocolHandler *getProtocolHandler() {return handler_;}
void processMessage(const string &msg) {
// any extra logic here
string createMessage() {
// any extra logic here
return handler_->encode();
// Put the rest of your connection stuff here
ProtocolHandler *handler_;
// Notice that Im handling the protocol msg buffers in a std::string, this
// may or may not work for you, replace accordingly depending on your needs
class ProtocolHandler
// abstract methods
// name these accordingly as handle, parse, marshal, etc
virtual string encode() = 0;
virtual void decode(const string &msg) = 0;
// Other methods you may need here
class RestProtocolHandler : public ProtocolHandler
virtual string encode() { /* your rest msg encode impl here */ }
virtual void decode(const string &msg) { /* your rest msg decode impl here */ }
// Other methods and/or attributes you may need here
// More concrete ProtocolHandler implementations here