Private Function FindMaxDataTableValue(ByRef dt As DataTable) As Integer
Dim currentValue As Integer, maxValue As Integer
Dim dv As DataView = dt.DefaultView
For c As Integer = 0 To dt.Columns.Count - 1
dv.Sort = dt.Columns(c).ColumnName + " DESC"
currentValue = CInt(dv(0).Item(c))
If currentValue > maxValue Then maxValue = currentValue
Return maxValue
End Function
を見つけるために を実行するとパフォーマンスが低下する可能性がありますrowIndex
Private Function FindMaxDataTableValue(ByRef dt As DataTable) As Integer
Dim currentValue As Integer, maxValue As Integer
Dim rowIndex As Integer, colIndex As Integer
Dim dv As DataView = dt.DefaultView
For c As Integer = 0 To dt.Columns.Count - 1
dv.Sort = dt.Columns(c).ColumnName + " DESC"
currentValue = CInt(dv(0).Item(c))
If currentValue > maxValue Then
rowIndex = dt.Rows.IndexOf(dv(0).Row)
colIndex = c
maxValue = currentValue
End If
Debug.WriteLine("Max value found at Col:" + colIndex.ToString + " Row:" + rowIndex.ToString)
Return maxValue
End Function