Is there a best practice on how to hash an arbitrary string into a RGB color value? Or to be more general: to 3 bytes.

You're asking: When will I ever need this? It doesn't matter to me, but imagine those tube graphs on any GitHub network page. There you can see something like this:

git branches

Where every colored line means a distinct git branch. The low tech approach to color these branches would be a CLUT (color lookup table). The more sophisticated version would be:

$branchColor = hashStringToColor(concat($username,$branchname));

Because you want a static color every time you see the branches representation. And for bonus points: How do you ensure an even color distribution of that hash function?

So the answer to my question boils down to the implementation of hashStringToColor().


7 に答える 7


A good hash function will provide a near uniform distribution over the key space. This reduces the question to how do I convert a random 32 bit number to a 3 byte RGB space. I see nothing wrong with just taking the low 3 bytes.

int hash = string.getHashCode();
int r = (hash & 0xFF0000) >> 16;
int g = (hash & 0x00FF00) >> 8;
int b = hash & 0x0000FF;
于 2012-06-20T13:46:23.797 に答える

For any Javascript users out there, I combined the accepted answer from @jeff-foster with the djb2 hash function from erlycoder.

The result per the question:

function djb2(str){
  var hash = 5381;
  for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
    hash = ((hash << 5) + hash) + str.charCodeAt(i); /* hash * 33 + c */
  return hash;

function hashStringToColor(str) {
  var hash = djb2(str);
  var r = (hash & 0xFF0000) >> 16;
  var g = (hash & 0x00FF00) >> 8;
  var b = hash & 0x0000FF;
  return "#" + ("0" + r.toString(16)).substr(-2) + ("0" + g.toString(16)).substr(-2) + ("0" + b.toString(16)).substr(-2);

UPDATE: Fixed the return string to always return a #000000 format hex string based on an edit by @alexc (thanks!).

于 2013-05-14T01:06:09.857 に答える

I just build a JavaScript library named color-hash, which can generate color based on the given string (using HSL color space and BKDRHash).

Repo: https://github.com/zenozeng/color-hash
Demo: https://zenozeng.github.io/color-hash/demo/

于 2015-02-12T15:03:12.750 に答える

I tried all the solutions others provided but found that similar strings (string1 vs string2) produce colors that are too similar for my liking. Therefore, I built my own influenced by the input and ideas of others.

This one will compute the MD5 checksum of the string, and take the first 6 hex digits to define the RGB 24-bit code.

The MD5 functionality is an open-source JQuery plug in. The JS function goes as follows:

function getRGB(str) {
    return '#' + $.md5(str).substring(0, 6);

A link to this working example is on jsFiddle. Just input a string into the input field and press enter, and do so over and over again to compare your findings.

于 2013-11-20T23:15:38.587 に答える

例として、これはJavaが文字列のハッシュコードを計算する方法です(1494行目以降)。を返しますint。次に、16,777,216(2 ^ 24 = 3バイト)でそのモジュロを計算してint、「RGB互換」の数値を取得できます。


于 2012-06-20T13:40:45.957 に答える

Interstingly enough a common representation of hashing functions like sha256 or md5 is as a hex string. Here is a fiddle that uses the 10 6 byte segemnts to create a coloful representaion of and sha256 hash. It uses the last 4 byte segment to determine the angle of the colors.


async function sha256(message) ... see fiddle ...

   async function sha256(message) {
    // encode as UTF-8
    const msgBuffer = new TextEncoder().encode(message);                    

    // hash the message
    const hashBuffer = await crypto.subtle.digest('SHA-256', msgBuffer);

    // convert ArrayBuffer to Array
    const hashArray = Array.from(new Uint8Array(hashBuffer));

    // convert bytes to hex string                  
    const hashHex = hashArray.map(b => b.toString(16).padStart(2, '0')).join('');
    return hashHex;
   function sha256tohtml(x,b){
var y=chunkSubstr(x,6);
return '<div style="'+
    'display: inline-block;'+
    'border-radius: 512px;'+
    'background: conic-gradient('+
    '   from '+((360/65536)*parseInt(y[10],16))+'deg at 50% 50%,'+
    '   #'+y[0]+' '+(0+b)+'%,'+
    '   #'+y[0]+' 10%,'+
    '   #'+y[1]+' '+(10+b)+'%,'+
    '   #'+y[1]+' 20%,'+
    '   #'+y[2]+' '+(20+b)+'%,'+
    '   #'+y[2]+' 30%,'+
    '   #'+y[3]+' '+(30+b)+'%,'+
    '   #'+y[3]+' 40%,'+
    '   #'+y[4]+' '+(40+b)+'%,'+
    '   #'+y[4]+' 50%,'+
    '   #'+y[5]+' '+(50+b)+'%,'+
    '   #'+y[5]+' 60%,'+
    '   #'+y[6]+' '+(60+b)+'%,'+
    '   #'+y[6]+' 70%,'+
    '   #'+y[7]+' '+(70+b)+'%,'+
    '   #'+y[7]+' 80%,'+
    '   #'+y[8]+' '+(80+b)+'%,'+
    '   #'+y[8]+' 90%,'+
    '   #'+y[9]+' '+(90+b)+'%,'+
    '   #'+y[9]+' 100%);"></div>';
   function chunkSubstr(str, size) {
  const numChunks = Math.ceil(str.length / size)
  const chunks = new Array(numChunks)

  for (let i = 0, o = 0; i < numChunks; ++i, o += size) {
    chunks[i] = str.substr(o, size)

  return chunks
   function draw(x){
        var html=sha256tohtml(x,0);
<input id="sha256string" value="Hello World">
 <div id="addhere"></div>

于 2021-12-20T20:13:39.757 に答える

If you are using C# and want HSL colors

Here is a class I wrote based on the library written by Zeno Zeng and mentioned in this answer .

The HSLColor class was written by Rich Newman, it is defined here

    public class ColorHash
        // you can pass in a string hashing function of you choice
        public ColorHash(Func<string, int> hashFunction)
            this.hashFunction = hashFunction;

        // or use the default string.GetHashCode()
        public ColorHash()
            this.hashFunction = (string s) => { return s.GetHashCode(); };
        Func<string, int> hashFunction = null;

        static float[] defaultValues = new float[] { 0.35F, 0.5F, 0.65F };

        // HSLColor class is defined at https://richnewman.wordpress.com/about/code-listings-and-diagrams/hslcolor-class/
        public HSLColor HSL(string s) {
            return HSL(s, defaultValues, defaultValues);

        // HSL function ported from https://github.com/zenozeng/color-hash/       
        public HSLColor HSL(string s, float[] saturationValues, float[] lightnessValues)
            double hue;
            double saturation;
            double luminosity;

            int hash = Math.Abs(this.hashFunction(s));

            hue = hash % 359;

            hash = (int)Math.Ceiling((double)hash / 360);
            saturation = saturationValues[hash % saturationValues.Length];

            hash = (int)Math.Ceiling((double)hash / saturationValues.Length);
            luminosity = lightnessValues[hash % lightnessValues.Length];

            return new HSLColor(hue, saturation, luminosity);

于 2022-02-11T16:19:41.117 に答える