The constructor Intent(MyAdapterQuestion, Class<Basic_database_questionsActivity>) is undefined
Intent i = new Intent(MyAdapterQuestion.this, Basic_database_questionsActivity.class);
Bundle b = new Bundle();
// get the current value of timerStart variable and store it in timerlogic
//Log.e(LOGS, "Whatis the value of timerstart inside the intentcalls method" + aInt);
b.putInt("timerlogic", aInt);
MyAdapterQuestion という名前のアダプターと Basic_database_questionsActivity という名前のアクティビティがあります。
メソッド bindView メソッド内にカウンターがあります
public void bindView(View v, Context context, Cursor c) {
// i want to update my main activity
// this method increment the correct answer by one I want to get that value and //pass it back to the activity