**I step**
create a table with fields: username,password,email,role
role is enum datatype with 4 roles values ('superadmin','admin','useractive','userpassive')
**II step**
then i imported the schema-mysql.sql file in my database from the framework/web/auth folder of my yii setup.
**III step**
configured my config.php for CDbauthmanager
**IV step**
then i added few lines to UserIdentity.php
public function authenticate()
$user = Users::model()->findByAttributes(array('email'=>$this->username));
if ($user===null) { // No user found!
else if ($user->password !== $this->password )
{ // Invalid password!
} else { // Okay!
// Store the role in a session:
$this->setState('roles', $user->role);
$this->_id = $user->id;
return !$this->errorCode;
public function getId()
return $this->_id;
**V step**
then i inserted values manually in the RBAC required table i.e. AuthItem,AuthItemChild,AuthAssignment
AuthItem table values
name type description bizrule data
user1 2 the user1 role NULL NULL
updateProfile 0 update profile NULL NULL
parent child
user1 updateProfile
AuthAssignment table values
itemname userid bizrule data
user1 1 NULL NULL
And My users table
username password email role
test1 pass1 tes1@local.com user1
**VI step**
after that i tried to play with a controller
public function actionIndex()
echo "yes";
echo "missing something";