始める前に、あなたの考え方を明確にします。XNA では、ワイヤフレーム (アウトライン) の三角形、塗りつぶされた三角形、またはテクスチャ付きの三角形を描画します。「今描いて」「後で塗りつぶす」なんてことはありません。フレームバッファに既にあるものの上に何か他のものを描画することしかできません。
また、インデックス付きメッシュの背景についても説明します。これは、DrawUserIndexedPrimitives (一連の頂点へのインデックスで構成される頂点および三角形) に供給されるデータです。
_effect.Texture = texture; // This sets the texture up so the
// shaders associated with this effect can access it
// The color in each vertex is modulated with the texture color
// and linearly interpolated across vertices
_effect.VertexColorEnabled = true;
foreach (var pass in _effect.CurrentTechnique.Passes)
pass.Apply(); // This sets up the shaders and their state
// TriangleList means that the indices are understood to be
// multiples of 3, where the 3 vertices pointed to are comprise
// one triangle
// The vertices. Note that there can be any number of vertices in here.
// What's important is the indices array (and the vertexOffset, primitivecount, vertexCount) that determine
// how many of the provided vertices will actually matter for this draw call
// The offset to the first vertex that the index 0 in the index array will refer to
// This is used to render a "part" of a bigger set of vertices, perhaps shared across
// different objects
// The number of vertices to pick starting from vertexOffset. If the index array
// tried to index a vertex out of this range then the draw call will fail.
// The indices (count = multiple of 3) that comprise separate triangle (because we said TriangleList -
// the rules are different depending on the primitive type)
// Again, an offset inside the indices array so a part of a larger index array can be used
// Number of indices. This HAS to be a multiple of 3 because we said we're rendering
// a list of triangles (TrangleList).
kvp.Value.Indices.Count / 3);