We have a little CMS where we create folders for specific content. Everything was working fine until we moved to a new server; I noticed that on the new server the "user" from PHP (CMS action) is different from the FTP user. This was not happening before, but now every time a new folder is created through the PHP script it can not be modified through FTP.
I noticed that the owner of the PHP folders is 99 99 which I thing is 'nobody'.
What do I need to do in order for it to work as it was working in the previous server? On my PHP scripts the permissions are set to 0777 so I really don't know what else to do.
I have access to SSH, WHM and cpanel, maybe there is something inside the PHP settings or APACHE settings that I can modify, maybe straight through WHM.
Please, if there is something to work on the command shell describe it step by step as I mostly know nothing about shell scripting.
This is the code I use in PHP to create my folders:
$year_folder = date(Y)."/";
$user_folder = $year_folder."$alias/";
$section_folder = $user_folder."$section/";
//CREATE YEAR FOLDER and persmissions (Forbiden to access directly)
if (!file_exists($year_folder)) {
mkdir("$year_folder", 0711);// create directory
if (!file_exists($user_folder)) {
mkdir("$user_folder", 0777);// create directory
if (!file_exists($section_folder)) {
mkdir("$section_folder", 0777);