電話データはすべて Phonebook クラスにラップされます。データはメモリに保持されます(呼び出しごとに保存および再ロードされるのではなく)
csv モジュールを使用してデータをロードおよび保存します
個々のアクションは短い関数またはメソッドに変換されます (コードの 1 つの大きなブロックではなく)
コマンドは関数ディスパッチ ディクショナリに抽象化されます (if/then テストのカスケードではなく)
import csv
def show_help():
" help shows this screen",
" load [file] loads the phonebook (file name is optional)",
" save [file] saves the phonebook (file name is optional)",
" add {name} {number} adds an entry to the phonebook",
" remove {name} removes an entry from the phonebook",
" search {name} displays matching entries",
" list show all entries",
" quit exits the program"
def getparam(val, prompt):
if val is None:
return raw_input(prompt).strip()
return val
class Phonebook(object):
def __init__(self, fname):
self.fname = fname
self.data = []
def load(self, fname=None):
if fname is None:
fname = self.fname
with open(fname, 'rb') as inf:
self.data = list(csv.reader(inf))
print("Phonebook loaded")
except IOError:
print("Couldn't open '{}'".format(fname))
def save(self, fname=None):
if fname is None:
fname = self.fname
with open(fname, 'wb') as outf:
print("Phonebook saved")
def add(self, name=None, number=None):
name = getparam(name, 'Company name? ')
number = getparam(number, 'Company number? ')
print("Company added")
def remove(self, name=None):
name = getparam(name, 'Company name? ')
before = len(self.data)
self.data = [d for d in self.data if d[0] != name]
after = len(self.data)
print("Deleted {} entries".format(before-after))
def search(self, name=None):
name = getparam(name, 'Company name? ')
found = 0
for c,n in self.data:
if c.startswith(name):
found += 1
print("{:<20} {:<15}".format(c,n))
print("Found {} entries".format(found))
def list(self):
for c,n in self.data:
print("{:<20} {:<15}".format(c,n))
print("Listed {} entries".format(len(self.data)))
def main():
pb = Phonebook('phonebook.csv')
commands = {
'help': show_help,
'load': pb.load,
'save': pb.save,
'add': pb.add,
'remove': pb.remove,
'search': pb.search,
'list': pb.list
goodbyes = set(['quit','bye','exit'])
while True:
# get user input
inp = raw_input("#> ").split()
# if something was typed in
if inp:
# first word entered is the command; anything after that is a parameter
cmd,args = inp[0],inp[1:]
if cmd in goodbyes:
# exit the program (can't be delegated to a function)
print 'Goodbye.'
elif cmd in commands:
# "I know how to do this..."
# call the appropriate function, and pass any parameters
except TypeError:
print("Wrong number of arguments (type 'help' for commands)")
print("I didn't understand that (type 'help' for commands)")
if __name__=="__main__":