

[com.sun.istack.SAXParseException2; lineNumber:1; columnNumber:223; 予期しない要素(uri: ""、local: "sport")。予想される要素は、<{} mostFavored>、<{} teamA>、<{} teamB>、<{http://sdl.ws.lsep.lskings.com/} scoring>、<{http://sdl.ws .lsep.lskings.com /} sports>、<{} gameId>、<{http://sdl.ws.lsep.lskings.com/} gameScoring>]


私はJBossWSツールを使用してクライアントWebサービスを生成しており、すべてがJBoss 7.1.1にデプロイされています(ただし、これは適切ではないと思います)。少なくとも手がかりを教えてください:)


@Table(name = "`GAMESCORING`")
@XmlType(name = "GameScoring", propOrder = { "gameScoringId", "scoring", "finished", "startTime", "stopTime",
    "tiebreak" })
public class GameScoring implements Serializable {
@Column(name = "game_scoring_id")
private long gameScoringId;

@OneToMany(cascade = CascadeType.ALL, mappedBy = "scoring")
private List<GamePeriod> periods;

@ManyToOne(cascade = CascadeType.ALL)
@JoinColumn(name = "scoring_id")
private Scoring scoring;

private boolean finished;

private Date startTime;

private Date stopTime;

private GamePeriod tiebreak;

public GameScoring() {


@XmlType(name = "GameScoring", propOrder = {

public class GameScoring {

protected long gameScoringId;
@XmlElement(namespace = "http://sdl.ws.lsep.lskings.com/")
protected Scoring scoring;
protected boolean finished;
@XmlSchemaType(name = "dateTime")
protected XMLGregorianCalendar startTime;
@XmlSchemaType(name = "dateTime")
protected XMLGregorianCalendar stopTime;
protected GamePeriod tiebreak;
+ getters/setters


GameManagerService gm_service = new GameManagerService();
GameManagerPortType gm_port = gm_service.getGameManagerPort();
com.lskings.lsep.ws.sdl.Game game = gm_port.getMostFavored();


@WebService(name = "GameManagerPortType")
@SOAPBinding(style = Style.RPC, use = Use.LITERAL)
public interface GameManagerEndpoint {

@WebResult(name = "success")
public boolean addGame(
        @WebParam(name = "sportId") String sportId,
        @WebParam(name = "leagueId") String leagueId,
        @WebParam(name = "scoringId") String scoringId,
        @WebParam(name = "participantHomeId") long participantHomeId,
        @WebParam(name = "participantAwayId") long participantAwayId);

@WebResult(name = "success")
public boolean deleteGame(@WebParam(name = "gameId") long gameId);

@WebResult(name = "exists")
public boolean exists(@WebParam(name = "gameId") long gameId);

@WebResult(name = "game")
public Game getGame(@WebParam(name = "gameId") long gameId);

@WebResult(name = "gameList")
public List<Game> getGamesForLeague(@WebParam(name = "leagueId") long leagueId);

@WebResult(name = "gameList")
public List<Game> search(@WebParam(name = "query") String query);

@WebResult(name = "gameList")
public List<Game> getGamesForSport(@WebParam(name = "sportId") long sportId);

@WebResult(name = "game")
public Game getMostFavored();

@WebResult(name = "success")
public boolean setMostFavored(@WebParam(name = "gameId") long gameId);

@WebResult(name = "gamePeriods")
public List<GamePeriod> getPeriods(@WebParam(name = "gameId") long gameId);

@WebResult(name = "gamePeriodsWithTiebreaks")
public List<GamePeriod> getPeriodsWithTiebreaks(@WebParam(name = "gameId") long gameId);

@WebResult(name = "gameScore")
public int[] getScore(@WebParam(name = "gameId") long gameId);

@WebResult(name = "periodActions")
public List<GameAction> getPeriodActions(@WebParam(name = "periodId") long periodId);

@WebResult(name = "allActions")
public List<GameAction> getAllActions(@WebParam(name = "gameId") long gameId);

@WebResult(name = "gameTimer")
public String getGameTimer(@WebParam(name = "gameId") long gameId);





 @Table(name = "`GAME`")
 @XmlType(name = "Game", propOrder = { "gameId", "sport", "mostFavored" })
 public class Game implements Serializable {

private static final long serialVersionUID = -1564911377701558631L;

@Column(name = "game_id")
private long gameId;

@ManyToOne(cascade = CascadeType.ALL)
@JoinColumn(name = "sport_id")
private Sport sport;

@ManyToOne(cascade = CascadeType.ALL)
@JoinColumn(name = "scoring_id")
private Scoring scoring;

@OneToOne(cascade = CascadeType.ALL)
@JoinColumn(name = "game_scoring_id")
private GameScoring gameScoring;

@ManyToOne(cascade = CascadeType.ALL)
@JoinColumn(name = "teamA_id")
private Participant teamA;

@ManyToOne(cascade = CascadeType.ALL)
@JoinColumn(name = "teamB_id")
private Participant teamB;

@ManyToOne(cascade = CascadeType.ALL, fetch = FetchType.EAGER)
@JoinColumn(name = "league_id")
private League league;

@Column(name = "most_favored")
private boolean mostFavored;

public Game() {

public Game(Sport sport, Scoring scoring, Participant teamA, Participant teamB) {
    this(sport, scoring, teamA, teamB, null);

public Game(Sport sport, Scoring scoring, Participant teamA, Participant teamB, League league) {
    this.sport = sport;
    this.scoring = scoring;
    this.teamA = teamA;
    this.teamB = teamB;
    this.league = league;
    this.mostFavored = false;

    LinkedList<GamePeriod> periods = new LinkedList<GamePeriod>();

    this.gameScoring = new GameScoring();

    Period p = scoring.getPeriods().get(0);
    GamePeriod gp = new GamePeriod(p, gameScoring);


public Sport getSport() {
    return sport;

public Scoring getScoring() {
    return scoring;

public Participant getTeamA() {
    return teamA;

public Participant getTeamB() {
    return teamB;

public GameScoring getGameScoring() {
    return gameScoring;

public void setSport(Sport sport) {
    this.sport = sport;

public void setScoring(Scoring scoring) {
    this.scoring = scoring;

public void setGameScoring(GameScoring gameScoring) {
    this.gameScoring = gameScoring;

public void setTeamA(Participant teamA) {
    this.teamA = teamA;

public void setTeamB(Participant teamB) {
    this.teamB = teamB;

public long getGameId() {
    return gameId;

public void setGameId(long gameId) {
    this.gameId = gameId;

public League getLeague() {
    return league;

public void setLeague(League league) {
    this.league = league;

public boolean isMostFavored() {
    return mostFavored;

public void setMostFavored(boolean mostFavored) {
    this.mostFavored = mostFavored;



@XmlType(name = "Game", propOrder = {
public class Game {

protected long gameId;
 //    @XmlElement(namespace = "http://sdl.ws.lsep.lskings.com/")
protected Sport sport;
protected boolean mostFavored;

 * Gets the value of the gameId property.
public long getGameId() {
    return gameId;

 * Sets the value of the gameId property.
public void setGameId(long value) {
    this.gameId = value;

 * Gets the value of the sport property.
 * @return
 *     possible object is
 *     {@link Sport }
public Sport getSport() {
    return sport;

 * Sets the value of the sport property.
 * @param value
 *     allowed object is
 *     {@link Sport }
public void setSport(Sport value) {
    this.sport = value;

 * Gets the value of the mostFavored property.
public boolean isMostFavored() {
    return mostFavored;

 * Sets the value of the mostFavored property.
public void setMostFavored(boolean value) {
    this.mostFavored = value;


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于 2012-07-11T16:08:44.237 に答える