I want to perform calculations for each company number in the column PERMNO of my data frame, the summary of which can be seen here:
> summary(companydataRETS)
Min. :10000 Min. :-0.971698
1st Qu.:32716 1st Qu.:-0.011905
Median :61735 Median : 0.000000
Mean :56788 Mean : 0.000799
3rd Qu.:80280 3rd Qu.: 0.010989
Max. :93436 Max. :19.000000
My solution so far was to create a variable with all possible company numbers
compns <- companydataRETS[!duplicated(companydataRETS[,"PERMNO"]),"PERMNO"]
And then use a foreach loop using parallel computing which calls my function get.rho() which in turn perform the desired calculations
rhos <- foreach (i=1:length(compns), .combine=rbind) %dopar%
get.rho(subset(companydataRETS[,"RET"],companydataRETS$PERMNO == compns[i]))
I tested it for a subset of my data and it all works. The problem is that I have 72 million observations, and even after leaving the computer working overnight, it still didn't finish.
I am new in R, so I imagine my code structure can be improved upon and there is a better (quicker, less computationally intensive) way to perform this same task (perhaps using apply or with, both of which I don't understand). Any suggestions?