I have a VS2010 unit test project set to using SpecFlow 1.8.1 and mstest. In order to get the SpecFlow unit tests working, I've done the following:-
I added the references to the following files in my project:-
Microsoft.VisualStudio.QualityTools.UnitTestFramework.dll TechTalk.SpecFlow.dll
Note that the TechTalk.SpecFlow.dll has been added into my project and the reference points to that file.
I've set the "Copy Local" property of the TechTalk.SpecFlow.dll reference to True.
I've also added an App.Config that specifies "MsTest.2010" as the provider, and regenerated all code-behinds for the SpecFlow features.
すべてが私の VS2010 で動作し、テストは SpecFlow テストランナーと mstest テスト ランナーの両方で正常に実行されます。しかし、(.vsmdi テスト リスト ファイルを使用して) TFS 2008 で mstests を実行しようとすると、次の例外で失敗しました:-
Class Initialization method MyNamespace.MyTestFeature.FeatureSetup threw exception.
System.Configuration.ConfigurationErrorsException: An error occurred creating the
configuration section handler for specFlow: Could not load file or assembly
'TechTalk.SpecFlow' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file
specified. (D:\Projects\TestProject\TestResults\administrator_MYPC 2012-06-27
18_30_05_Any CPU_Debug\Out\TestProject.DLL.config line 4) --->
System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'TechTalk.SpecFlow'
or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.
TFS はプロジェクトを正常にビルドし、同じプロジェクトで他の単体テスト (SpecFlow ではなく通常の mstest) を問題なく実行することに注意してください。SpecFlow テストの実行でのみ失敗しました。
編集:私の App.Config ファイルの内容は次のようになります。
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
type="TechTalk.SpecFlow.Configuration.ConfigurationSectionHandler, TechTalk.SpecFlow"/>
<unitTestProvider name="MsTest.2010" />
<runtime detectAmbiguousMatches="true"
missingOrPendingStepsOutcome="Inconclusive" />
<trace traceSuccessfulSteps="true"
minTracedDuration="0:0:0.1" />