I am working on a PHP form that allows a user to add rows to a table and then submit the information using the form through email. I need to pass the variables into the email. I have tried using this:
$n = count($type);
$i = 0;
for ($i = 0; $i < $n; $i++){
$e_classes = "______________________________________________ \r\n\n";
$e_classes .= "Class Type: {$type[$i]} \r\n";
$e_classes .= "Number of Classes: {$nc[$i]} \r\n";
$e_classes .= "Number of Students: {$sc[$i]} \r\n";
$e_classes .= "______________________________________________ \r\n\n";
But when I get the email only the last one in the table is displaying. How would I get all of the added table rows to display? I can make everything work if I use 'echo', but I need to pass everything into a variable that I can use for an email.