すでに jquery を使用している場合は、いくつかのおしゃれな jquery セレクターでそれができます。
findThings = function(){
// select the first <b> elements that contain "Clicks", AND
// has a sibling before it that is a <font>, AND
// has a sibling THAT has both an <h2> as a parent, and contains the text "Progress".
var firstnumber = -1; // some number that doesn't make sense
var secondnumber = -1;
$('h2 > b:contains("Progress:") + font + b:contains("Clicks"):first').each(
//alert("Element is:",this);
//alert("Element contains:" + $(this).text());
// "this" is the <b> that contains "Clicks". Find the first sibling that is a <font> and grab the text from it.
text = $(this).siblings("font:first").text();
numbers = text.split("/"); //split the text by "/" character.
if (numbers.length == 2){ // make sure there are two numbers!
firstnumber = numbers[0];
secondnumber = numbers[1];
alert("First number:" + firstnumber);
alert("Second number:" + secondnumber);
var whatever = 5;
if(firstnumber >= whatever){
alert("YOU WIN!");
alert("You Lose!");