私のアプリはキャプチャ画像に AVCapture を使用しています。これは私の監督者の理想です。しかし、インターネットで調査したところ、AVCapture と iPhone または iPop のデフォルトのカメラ (タブ フォーカスまたはカメラの品質など) の違いに関する情報を取得できません。AVFoundation フレームワークの進歩について教えてください...
1 に答える
with the AVCaptureSession you can give your recorder a lot more functionality. You can customize nearly every aspect of the recording session. and you can ever get the raw data straight from the camera. the code can get quite complex however, and nothing is taken care of for you.
With the iOS default image capture controller you will be stuck with a few presets, and you will only have a little bit of camera functionality. But it is really simple to implement.
updated with link to apple code
If you want to see how to use the AVFoundation to do you camera recording you will probably like this app from apple.
Like I said, you will have to do everything manually. so be prepared for a handful of work.