Private Sub btnProcessdld_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnProcessdld.Click
Dim cfHelper As New CoFundsHelper
If btnProcessdld.Text = "Process" Then
btnProcessdld.Text = "Cancel"
If chkDailyFiles.Checked = False And chkWeeklyFiles.Checked = False Then
MessageBox.Show("Please select which files you want to download")
lblProgress.Text = "Processing...if you are downloading weekly files this may take a few minutes"
uaWaitdld.AnimationEnabled = True
uaWaitdld.AnimationSpeed = 50
uaWaitdld.MarqueeAnimationStyle = MarqueeAnimationStyle.Continuous
uaWaitdld.MarqueeMarkerWidth = 60
_backGroundWorkerdld = New BackgroundWorker
_backGroundWorkerdld.WorkerSupportsCancellation = True
End If
ElseIf btnProcessdld.Text = "Cancel" Then
btnProcessdld.Text = "Process"
uaWaitdld.AnimationEnabled = False
End If
Private Sub StartProcessdld(ByVal sender As Object, _
ByVal e As System.ComponentModel.DoWorkEventArgs) Handles _backGroundWorkerdld.DoWork
Dim cfHelper As New CoFundsHelper
cfHelper.ConnString = PremiumConnectionString
Dim dateValue As String
Dim weekly As Boolean = False
Dim daily As Boolean = False
If dtePicker.Value IsNot Nothing Then
dateValue = Format(dtePicker.Value, "yyyyMMdd")
If chkWeeklyFiles.Checked = True Then
weekly = True
End If
If chkDailyFiles.Checked = True Then
daily = True
End If
cfHelper.Cofunds_DownloadFiles(dateValue, weekly, daily)
Throw (New Exception("Date Field is empty"))
End If
End Sub