次のクエリでは、where ステートメントを追加して、結果を次のものに絞り込みたいと考えていますm.extracard>0
SELECT u.id, u.onoma_u, u.name_u,
coalesce(u.programa, a.programa) as programa,
coalesce(u.barcode, a.barcode) as barcode,
coalesce(u.plan, a.plan) as plan,
coalesce(u.im_exp, a.im_exp) as im_exp,
coalesce(u.symb, a.symb) as symb
FROM (SELECT a1.id, a1.onoma_u, a1.name_u, a1.programa,
a1.barcode, a1.plan, a1.im_exp, a1.symb
FROM aitisi a1
where a1.id between 6017 and 6063
SELECT a2.id, m.name, m.surname, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL
FROM members m
JOIN aitisi a2 ON a2.id = m.symbid
WHERE m.extracard > 0
) u
JOIN aitisi a ON a.id = u.id
where a.id between 6017 and 6063
しかし、結果では範囲外のIDを取得しています。WHERE m.extracard > 0