// Don't make changes to this file directly as they can get wiped out when the
// plugin is updated. Instead transfer what you need to the 'Settings - User' file.
// The directory where we'll keep our backups. If empty, we'll try to put them in
// ~/sublime_backups
"backup_dir": "~/sublime_backups",
// If true, also save a backup copy any time a file is opened (if backup file not exists)
"backup_on_open_file": true,
// If true, backups saved per day, in separate folders, for example ~/sublime_backups/2013-05-23/myfile.php
"backup_per_day": true,
// If set, backups saved per second. possible values: false, "folder" or "file"
// false - disabled backup per second
// "folder" - backup example D:/Sublime Text Backups/2013-05-23/095034/myfile.php
// "file" - backup example D:/Sublime Text Backups/2013-05-23/myfile_095034.php
// to use this feature, you must have enabled backup_per_day setting
"backup_per_time": "file",
// Files larger than this many bytes won't be backed up.
"max_backup_file_size_bytes": 262144, // = 256 KB
// Files older than X days will be deleted. If 0 - auto delete disabled
"delete_old_backups": 0, // days to delete
// If true, backup file opened in same line as cursor in original file
"open_in_same_line": true,
// If true, show backup previews (only in ST3)
"show_previews": true