puts "I am learning Rails, building a simple forum application."
puts "I am pretty satisfied to where I got so far but routes... "
puts "...still figuring them out."
puts "Been 2 days trying all sorts of things."
puts "This is where I am now, and something is not working as expected."
puts "Any help/pointers would be appreciated! :)"
# 問題
puts "I want my forum's create path to be '/helpcenter' and not '/helpcenter/cat'."
puts "When I access the form to create a new forum and I hit submit, "
puts "the form post to '/helpcenter' correctly (firebuged)"
puts "but I get the index, not the create!"
puts "I even put debugger in my create action but it is not being called."
#config / routers.rb
scope "/helpcenter" do
resources :cat, :controller => "forums", :as => :forums do
resources :topics , :controller => "forum_topics", :as => :topics
resources :posts, :controller => "forum_posts", :as => :posts
match "/helpcenter" => "forums#index", :as => :forums
match "/helpcenter" => "forums#create", :via => :post, :as => :create_forum
<%= form_for(@forum) do |f| %>
<% end %>
$ CONTROLLER=forums rake routes
delete_forum GET /helpcenter/cat/:id/delete(.:format) forums#delete
forums GET /helpcenter/cat(.:format) forums#index
POST /helpcenter/cat(.:format) forums#create
new_forum GET /helpcenter/cat/new(.:format) forums#new
edit_forum GET /helpcenter/cat/:id/edit(.:format) forums#edit
forum GET /helpcenter/cat/:id(.:format) forums#show
PUT /helpcenter/cat/:id(.:format) forums#update
DELETE /helpcenter/cat/:id(.:format) forums#destroy
forums /helpcenter(.:format) forums#index
create_forum POST /helpcenter(.:format) forums#create
Started POST "/helpcenter" for at 2012-07-02 12:25:00 -0400
Processing by ForumsController#index as HTML
Parameters: {"utf8"=>"✓", "authenticity_token"=>"d5iVKCh234234=", "forum"=>{"name"=>"", "description"=>""}, "commit"=>"Save Changes"}
ログには、/ helpcenterでPOSTを実行していることが明確に示されていますが、作成アクションではなくインデックスアクションが起動されます。
puts "Thanks!"