#!/path/to/perl -w
#comment the line below for UNIX systems
use Win32::Clipboard;
# Get command line flags
#print ($#ARGV, "\n");
if($#ARGV == 0) {
print STDERR "usage: ncsplit.pl --mff -- filename.txt [...] \n\nNote that no space is allowed between the '--' and the related parameter.\n\nThe mff is found on a line followed by a filename. All of the contents of filename.txt are written to that file until another mff is found.\n";
# this package sets the ARGV count variable to -1;
use Getopt::Long;
my $mff = "";
GetOptions('mff' => \$mff);
# set a default $mff variable
if ($mff eq "") {$mff = "-#-"};
print ("using file switch=", $mff, "\n\n");
while($_ = shift @ARGV) {
if(-f "$_") {
push @filelist, $_;
# Could be more than one file name on the command line,
# but this version throws away the subsequent ones.
$readfile = $filelist[0];
open SOURCEFILE, "<$readfile" or die "File not found...\n\n";
while (<SOURCEFILE>) {
/^$mff (.*$)/o;
$outname = $1;
# print $outname;
# print "right is: $1 \n";
if (/^$mff /) {
open OUTFILE, ">$outname" ;
print "opened $outname\n";
else {print OUTFILE "$_"};