何が間違っているのかわかりませんが、このことを約 4 時間動作させようとしてきましたが、動作させることができません...これはエラーを表示するだけです:"Please suppy復号化しようとすると、正しいパスワード」と表示されます。ただし、暗号化は正常に機能しているようです。
using System;
using System.Text;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.IO;
using System.Security;
using AesApp.Rijndael;
using System.Linq;
internal class FileEncryption
private static string password = pw;
internal static void Encrypt(string inputfile, string outputfile)
byte[] encryptedPassword;
// Create a new instance of the RijndaelManaged
// class. This generates a new key and initialization
// vector (IV).
using (var algorithm = new RijndaelManaged())
algorithm.KeySize = 256;
algorithm.BlockSize = 128;
// Encrypt the string to an array of bytes.
encryptedPassword = Cryptology.EncryptStringToBytes(
password, algorithm.Key, algorithm.IV);
string chars = encryptedPassword.Aggregate(string.Empty, (current, b) => current + b.ToString());
Cryptology.EncryptFile(@inputfile, @outputfile, chars);
internal static void Decrypt(string @inputfile, string @outputfile)
byte[] encryptedPassword;
// Create a new instance of the RijndaelManaged
// class. This generates a new key and initialization
// vector (IV).
using (var algorithm = new RijndaelManaged())
algorithm.KeySize = 256;
algorithm.BlockSize = 128;
// Encrypt the string to an array of bytes.
encryptedPassword = Cryptology.EncryptStringToBytes(
password, algorithm.Key, algorithm.IV);
string chars = encryptedPassword.Aggregate(string.Empty, (current, b) => current + b.ToString());
Cryptology.DecryptFile(@inputfile, @outputfile, chars);
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.Text;
namespace AesApp.Rijndael
internal sealed class Cryptology
private const string Salt = "d5fg4df5sg4ds5fg45sdfg4";
private const int SizeOfBuffer = 1024 * 8;
internal static byte[] EncryptStringToBytes(string plainText, byte[] key, byte[] iv)
// Check arguments.
if (plainText == null || plainText.Length <= 0)
throw new ArgumentNullException("plainText");
if (key == null || key.Length <= 0)
throw new ArgumentNullException("key");
if (iv == null || iv.Length <= 0)
throw new ArgumentNullException("key");
byte[] encrypted;
// Create an RijndaelManaged object
// with the specified key and IV.
using (var rijAlg = new RijndaelManaged())
rijAlg.Key = key;
rijAlg.IV = iv;
// Create a decrytor to perform the stream transform.
ICryptoTransform encryptor = rijAlg.CreateEncryptor(rijAlg.Key, rijAlg.IV);
// Create the streams used for encryption.
using (var msEncrypt = new MemoryStream())
using (var csEncrypt = new CryptoStream(msEncrypt, encryptor, CryptoStreamMode.Write))
using (var swEncrypt = new StreamWriter(csEncrypt))
//Write all data to the stream.
encrypted = msEncrypt.ToArray();
// Return the encrypted bytes from the memory stream.
return encrypted;
internal static string DecryptStringFromBytes(byte[] cipherText, byte[] key, byte[] iv)
// Check arguments.
if (cipherText == null || cipherText.Length <= 0)
throw new ArgumentNullException("cipherText");
if (key == null || key.Length <= 0)
throw new ArgumentNullException("key");
if (iv == null || iv.Length <= 0)
throw new ArgumentNullException("key");
// Declare the string used to hold
// the decrypted text.
string plaintext;
// Create an RijndaelManaged object
// with the specified key and IV.
using (var rijAlg = new RijndaelManaged())
rijAlg.Key = key;
rijAlg.IV = iv;
// Create a decrytor to perform the stream transform.
ICryptoTransform decryptor = rijAlg.CreateDecryptor(rijAlg.Key, rijAlg.IV);
// Create the streams used for decryption.
using (var msDecrypt = new MemoryStream(cipherText))
using (var csDecrypt = new CryptoStream(msDecrypt, decryptor, CryptoStreamMode.Read))
using (var srDecrypt = new StreamReader(csDecrypt))
// Read the decrypted bytes from the decrypting stream
// and place them in a string.
plaintext = srDecrypt.ReadToEnd();
return plaintext;
internal static void EncryptFile(string inputPath, string outputPath, string password)
var input = new FileStream(inputPath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
var output = new FileStream(outputPath, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.Write);
// Essentially, if you want to use RijndaelManaged as AES you need to make sure that:
// 1.The block size is set to 128 bits
// 2.You are not using CFB mode, or if you are the feedback size is also 128 bits
var algorithm = new RijndaelManaged { KeySize = 256, BlockSize = 128 };
var key = new Rfc2898DeriveBytes(password, Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(Salt));
algorithm.Key = key.GetBytes(algorithm.KeySize / 8);
algorithm.IV = key.GetBytes(algorithm.BlockSize / 8);
using (var encryptedStream = new CryptoStream(output, algorithm.CreateEncryptor(), CryptoStreamMode.Write))
CopyStream(input, encryptedStream);
internal static void DecryptFile(string inputPath, string outputPath, string password)
var input = new FileStream(inputPath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
var output = new FileStream(outputPath, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.Write);
// Essentially, if you want to use RijndaelManaged as AES you need to make sure that:
// 1.The block size is set to 128 bits
// 2.You are not using CFB mode, or if you are the feedback size is also 128 bits
var algorithm = new RijndaelManaged { KeySize = 256, BlockSize = 128 };
var key = new Rfc2898DeriveBytes(password, Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(Salt));
algorithm.Key = key.GetBytes(algorithm.KeySize / 8);
algorithm.IV = key.GetBytes(algorithm.BlockSize / 8);
using (var decryptedStream = new CryptoStream(output, algorithm.CreateDecryptor(), CryptoStreamMode.Write))
CopyStream(input, decryptedStream);
catch (CryptographicException)
throw new InvalidDataException("Please suppy a correct password");
catch (Exception ex)
throw new Exception(ex.Message);
private static void CopyStream(Stream input, Stream output)
using (output)
using (input)
byte[] buffer = new byte[SizeOfBuffer];
int read;
while ((read = input.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)) > 0)
output.Write(buffer, 0, read);