I've reread the rails guide to associations but still am hitting my head up against the wall. I've seen some advanced questions on Stack Overflow and am not able to determine if they shed light on my problem. Perhaps I've haven't gotten my mind wrapped around this. Please show me what I'm not seeing.
I have a School.rb which has_many Events, has_many Venues. Each of the Events and Venues belongs_to School. I'm trying to link up the Venue to an Event. They are tied to the school because they have a matching school_id. The name of the school is easily applied in Event#show and Venue#show as expected. The trick is how do I craft the Event controller to use the school_id to pull the Venue's addy in the Event#show page?
My attempts keep missing so I got to thinking maybe I have to make the Event belongs_to Venue and Venue has_many Events. Is that the right thing to do?
I attempt <%= @event.venue.address %> but that fails with 'undefined method `address' for nil:NilClass'
Maybe I'm overthinking it but as I mention above, I don't know enough to ask the right question. If I was to put my query in English terms it would be "Grab the instance of Venue whose school_id matches the school_id of the current/active Event." Does that make sense? I've attempted to find something close to that in the rails guides and attempted this:
@venues = Venue.where(:school_id => @school_id)
undefined method `address' for []:ActiveRecord::Relation. The venue address is in the venue model.
Here's my school.rb:
class School < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :events, :dependent => :destroy
has_many :venues, :dependent => :destroy
has_and_belongs_to_many :users
belongs_to :event belongs_to :venue
def self.fetch_for_name(_name)
school = self.new(:name => _name)
Here's my event.rb:
class Event < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :school
belongs_to :venue
Here's my Venue.rb:
class Venue < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :school
has_many :events
Please help me get over this baby step, sam