extends Activity implements OnClickListener{
private static final String TAG = "ServicesDemo";
public String myimageURL;
private EditText Lyrics;
private ImageView AlbumPic;
private Button play, stop;
private TextView Artist, Song, Album, News, Lyric;
private UpdateTimeTask m_updateTime;
private Handler m_handler;
Parser data;
/** The delay in milliseconds between updates. */
private final int DELAY = 20000;
/** Called when the activity is first created. */
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
Artist =(TextView)findViewById(R.id.tvArtist);
Song =(TextView)findViewById(R.id.tvSongTitle);
Album =(TextView)findViewById(R.id.tvAlbum);
play = (Button) findViewById(R.id.play);
stop = (Button) findViewById(R.id.stop);
Lyrics = (EditText) findViewById(R.id.tvLyrics);
News = (TextView)findViewById(R.id.tvAnouncement);
AlbumPic = (ImageView) findViewById(R.id.AlbumPic);
m_updateTime = new UpdateTimeTask();
m_handler = new Handler();
private class UpdateTimeTask implements Runnable {
public void run() {
try {
SAXParserFactory saxPF = SAXParserFactory.newInstance();
SAXParser saxP = saxPF.newSAXParser();
XMLReader xmlR = saxP.getXMLReader();
URL url = new URL("http://www.mysite.com/AndroidTest.php");
XMLHandler myXMLHandler = new XMLHandler();
xmlR.parse(new InputSource(url.openStream()));
} catch (Exception e) {
data = XMLHandler.data;
for (int i = 0; i < data.getTitle().size(); i++) {
myimageURL = data.getPic().get(i);
Song.setText("Title = "+data.getTitle().get(i));
Artist.setText("Artist = "+data.getArtist().get(i));
Album.setText("Album = "+data.getAlbum().get(i));
downloadFile(myimageURL );
Bitmap bmImg;
void downloadFile(String fileUrl) {
URL myFileUrl = null;
try {
myFileUrl = new URL(fileUrl);
} catch (MalformedURLException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
try {
HttpURLConnection conn = (HttpURLConnection) myFileUrl
InputStream is = conn.getInputStream();
bmImg = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(is);
} catch (IOException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
m_handler.postDelayed(m_updateTime, DELAY);
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<LYRIC>Stop that train: I'm leavin' - today!
Stop that train: I'm leavin' - anyway!
Stop that train: I'm leavin'. and I said:
It won't be too long whether I'm right or wrong;
I said, it won't be too long whether I'm right or wrong.
All my good life I've been a lonely man,
Teachin' my people who don't understand;
And even though I tried my best,
I still can't find no happiness.
So I got to say:
Stop that train: I'm leavin' - oh, baby now!
Stop that train: I'm leavin' - don't care what you say!
Stop that train: I'm leavin'. and I said:
It won't be too long whether I'm right or wrong;
Said, it won't be too long whether I'm right or wrong.
Some goin' east; and-a some goin' west,
Some stand aside to try their best.
Some livin' big, but the most is livin' small:
They just can't even find no food at all.
I mean, stop it:
Stop that train: I'm leavin' - leavin', mm-hmm.
Stop that train: I'm leavin' - I don't mind!
Stop that train: I'm leavin'. and I said:
It won't be too long whether I'm right or wrong;
I said it won't be too long whether I'm right or wrong.
Stop that train: I'm leavin' - leavin'!
Stop that train: I'm leavin' - can't take it!
Stop that train: I'm leavin' - got to be better!
It won't be too long whether I'm right or wrong;
I said it won't be too long whether I'm right or wrong.</LYRIC>
<TITLE>Stop That Train</TITLE>
<ALBUM>Talkin blues</ALBUM>
public class XMLHandler extends DefaultHandler {
String elementValue = null;
Boolean elementOn = false;
public static Parser data = null;
public static Parser getXMLData() {
return data;
public static void setXMLData(Parser data) {
XMLHandler.data = data;
* This will be called when the tags of the XML starts.
public void startElement(String uri, String localName, String qName,
Attributes attributes) throws SAXException {
elementOn = true;
if (localName.equals("CATALOG"))
data = new Parser();
} else if (localName.equals("CD")) {
* We can get the values of attributes for eg. if the CD tag had an attribute( <CD attr= "band">Akon</CD> )
* we can get the value "band". Below is an example of how to achieve this.
* String attributeValue = attributes.getValue("attr");
* data.setAttribute(attributeValue);
* */
* This will be called when the tags of the XML end.
public void endElement(String uri, String localName, String qName)
throws SAXException {
elementOn = false;
* Sets the values after retrieving the values from the XML tags
* */
if (localName.equalsIgnoreCase("title"))
else if (localName.equalsIgnoreCase("artist"))
else if (localName.equalsIgnoreCase("album"))
else if (localName.equalsIgnoreCase("lyric"))
else if (localName.equalsIgnoreCase("pic"))
* This is called to get the tags value
public void characters(char[] ch, int start, int length)
throws SAXException {
if (elementOn) {
elementValue = new String(ch, start, length);
elementOn = false;
public void post(Runnable mUpdate) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
public void removeCallbacks(Runnable sendUpdatesToUI) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
public void postDelayed(Runnable runnable, int i) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub