f = open('C:/tmp/tmp1.txt', 'w') #Create a tempory textfile
f.write("TEXTFILE\nTEXTFILE\nTEXTFILE\nTEXTFILE\nTEXTFILE\nTEXTFILE\n") #Put some simple text in there
f.close() #Close the file
count = 0 #Insert the line number from the text file you want to begin with (first line starts with 0)
num_lines = sum(1 for line1 in open('C:/tmp/tmp1.txt')) #Get the number of lines from the textfile
f = open('C:/tmp/tmp2.txt', 'w') #Create a new textfile
f.close() #Close it
while (count < num_lines): #Keep the loop within the starting line and total number of lines from the first text file
with open('C:/tmp/tmp1.txt', 'r') as f: #Open the first textfile
line2 = f.readlines() #Read these lines for later input
for line2[count] in f: #For each line from chosen starting line until last line from first text file,...
with open('C:/tmp/tmp2.txt', 'a') as g: #...with the second textfile open for appending strings,...
g.write("hello\n") #...write 'hello\n' each time while "count" < "num_lines"
count = count + 1 #Increment the "count"
「f:のline2 [count]の場合」まで、すべてがうまくいくと思います。