I am trying to write some scopes that are meant to pull events for future, past, and current events from my sqlite database. Here are the scopes I have set in my Event model with their accompanying predicate methods:
scope :upcoming, where("start_at >= :time", time: Time.current ).order('start_at asc')
scope :recent, where("end_at <= :time", time: Time.current ).order('end_at desc')
scope :current, where("start_at <= :time AND end_at >= :time", time: Time.current ).order('start_at asc')
def upcoming?
def recent?
def current?
end_at.future? && start_at.past?
And here are the results I'm getting from my rspec tests
is in the future
should be upcoming
should not be recent
should not be current
should be in upcoming
should not be in recent (FAILED - 1)
should not be in current (FAILED - 2)
is in the past
should not be upcoming
should be recent
should not be current
should not be in upcoming
should be in recent (FAILED - 3)
should not be in current
is happening now
should not be upcoming
should not be recent
should be current
should not be in upcoming
should not be in recent
should be in current (FAILED - 4)
As you can see the predicate method tests run fine once the dates are pulled from the database, but when actually querying the database things go haywire.
Here is the rspec I'm running to test it(I'm a little bit new to it, so there might be some issues here, but I have seen the scopes failing with manual testing as well):
let(:future) { Event.create(start_at: start_time, end_at: end_time ) }
let(:past) { Event.create(start_at: start_time, end_at: end_time ) }
let(:happening) { Event.create(start_at: start_time, end_at: end_time ) }
context "#upcoming?" do
it { should respond_to(:upcoming?) }
context "#recent?" do
it { should respond_to(:recent?) }
context "#current?" do
it { should respond_to(:current?) }
context "is in the future" do
subject(:event) { future }
let(:start_time) { Time.now + 1.minute }
let(:end_time) { Time.now + 1.minute + 1.second }
it { should be_upcoming }
it { should_not be_recent }
it { should_not be_current }
it "should be in upcoming" do
Event.upcoming.should include(event)
it "should not be in recent" do
Event.upcoming.should_not include(event)
it "should not be in current" do
Event.upcoming.should_not include(event)
context "is in the past" do
subject(:event) { past }
let(:start_time) { Time.now - 1.minute }
let(:end_time) { Time.now - 1.minute + 1.second }
it { should_not be_upcoming }
it { should be_recent }
it { should_not be_current }
it "should not be in upcoming" do
Event.upcoming.should_not include(event)
it "should be in recent" do
Event.upcoming.should include(event)
it "should not be in current" do
Event.upcoming.should_not include(event)
context "is happening now" do
subject(:event) { happening }
let(:start_time) { Time.now - 1.minute }
let(:end_time) { Time.now + 1.minute }
it { should_not be_upcoming }
it { should_not be_recent }
it { should be_current }
it "should not be in upcoming" do
Event.upcoming.should_not include(event)
it "should not be in recent" do
Event.upcoming.should_not include(event)
it "should be in current" do
Event.upcoming.should include(event)
Any idea on what's going wrong? I've tried several variants of Time.current
And they all produce similar results.