これは私が使用する非常に信頼性が高く、常にシートの最後の行を必ず返す関数です: (単純な使用には過剰かもしれませんが、常にお勧めします)
Public Function LastRowOfSheet(ByVal TestSheetNumber As Variant)
' Input: Sheet index # or Sheet name
' Output: Last row of sheet.
Dim intNumberOfRowsInWorksheet As Long
intNumberOfRowsInWorksheet = Sheets(TestSheetNumber).UsedRange.Rows.Count
intNumberOfRowsInWorksheet = intNumberOfRowsInWorksheet + Sheets(TestSheetNumber).UsedRange.Row - 1
LastRowOfSheet = intNumberOfRowsInWorksheet
End Function
Sub Move2RowsToEnd()
Dim iNextRowOfOutput As Long
Dim iRowNumber As Long
'- use the function to find the last row of the output sheet. we'll be pasting to the first row after.
iNextRowOfOutput = (LastRowOfSheet("Log") + 1)
'- you can adjust this for loop to loop through additional cells if you need to paste more than 2 rows in the future.
For iRowNumber = 1 To 2
'- for each row of input (2 total) set the value of the output sheet equal to it.
Sheets("Log").Range("A" & iNextRowOfOutput).Value = Sheets("namedFP").Range("A" & iRowNumber).Value
iNextRowOfOutput = iNextRowOfOutput + 1
Next iRowNumber
'- not sure which of these you want to save (one or both)
End Sub