現在、SELECTを使用してデータベース全体を変数($ wholeUserDatabase)に取り込み、それを繰り返し処理して、「username」フィールドが一致するかどうかを判断しています。
$connection = mysql_connect($mysql_host,$mysql_user,$mysql_password);
mysql_select_db($mysql_database, $connection);
// Take the whole user database, and store it in $wholeUserDatabase.
$wholeUserDatabase = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM myTable")
or die(mysql_error());
$boolFoundUser = false;
/* Iterate once for every entry in the database, storing the current entry
of the database into a variable $currentEntry, which is an array containing
everything related to the one user. */
while($currentEntry = mysql_fetch_array($wholeUserDatabase)) {
/* Does the "username" field of the current entry match the one
the user tried to log in with? */
if ($currentEntry['username'] == $_POST['username']) {
/* If it does, break the loop so that the $currentEntry variable
will contain the information for the user who is trying to log in,
which I will later need to check passwords, etc. */
$boolFoundUser = true;