My document used to look like this:
_id : 47cc67093475061e3d95369d,
Name : "A name",
Description : "Some description",
DisciplineCode : "105",
DisciplineName : "A Name",
OtherProperty : "Something"
For which, the following group command worked, in order to get the distinct DisciplineNames and DisciplineCodes from my documents
disciplines ={
key: {DisciplineName:1, DisciplineCode:1},
reduce: function(obj, prev) { if (!obj.hasOwnProperty("DisciplineName")) {
prev.DisciplineName = obj.DisciplineName;
prev.DisciplineCode = obj.DisciplineCode;
initial: { }
However, my document has now changed to:
_id : 47cc67093475061e3d95369d,
Name : "A name",
Description : "Some description",
Discipline: {
Code : "105",
Name : "A Name"},
OtherProperty : "Something"
As you can see, Discipline
is an embedded doc.