

Task 1   Task 2   Task 3   <- x-axis  
A  100   B 400    B 510    <- This row is position 1      
B  200   A 200    A 300    <- This row is position 2   

私が抱えている問題は、すべてのタスクを同じグラフに配置したいのですが、ExcelがすべてのxでAとBの位置を認識していないことです。列1から、行2がA、行3がBであり、 A/Bキーに基づいて後続の各列で調整されていません。これを行う方法があるかどうか疑問に思います。



1 に答える 1

'Run this macro from the sheet containing your data, after highlightling the data.
Sub Macro3()

  'The below code assumes that you have already selected
  'the columns containing your data and that the first column,
  'and every 2nd column after that contains your legend keys.
  Dim rng As Range
  Set rng = Selection

  Dim colNum As Integer
  Dim rowNum As Integer
  Dim strLegend As String
  Dim rowStart As Integer
  Dim colStart As Integer
  Dim strSeries As String
  Dim i As Integer
  Dim seriesNum As Integer
  Dim shtName As String

  rowStart = rng.Row
  colStart = rng.Column
  shtName = ActiveSheet.Name & "!"

  'Creates an empty chart...
  '...of type StackedColumn.
  ActiveChart.ChartType = xlColumnStacked

  seriesNum = 0
  'Select all the cells that match the legend in the first column.
  For rowNum = 0 To rng.Rows.Count - 1
    strLegend = Cells(rowStart + rowNum, colStart).Value
    strSeries = "=" & shtName & Cells(rowStart + rowNum, colStart + 1).Address
    For colNum = 2 To rng.Columns.Count - 1 Step 2
        For i = 0 To rng.Rows.Count - 1
            If Cells(rowStart + i, colStart + colNum).Value = strLegend Then
                strSeries = strSeries & "," & shtName & Cells(rowStart + i, colStart + colNum + 1).Address
                Exit For
            End If
    'Create a new series.
    seriesNum = seriesNum + 1
    'Set the legend.
    ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(seriesNum).Name = strLegend
    'Set the X axis labels to nothing, so the default is used.
    ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(seriesNum).XValues = ""
    'Set the series data.
    ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(seriesNum).Values = strSeries
  'An extra series gets added automatically???
  'This code removes it.
  If ActiveChart.SeriesCollection.Count > rng.Rows.Count Then
    ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(rng.Rows.Count + 1).Delete
  End If
End Sub

このコードでは、以下に示すように、凡例の値と数値がそれぞれ別の列にある必要があります。この例では、「タスク 1」などのラベルは使用されていません。

A | 100 | B | 400 | B | 510 
B | 200 | A | 200 | A | 300
于 2012-07-12T17:50:41.307 に答える