Dave Materによるすばらしい回答です。異なるズーム レベルで異なる倍率を定義したいという問題がありました。これが私がやった方法です:
void MyGraphicsItem::paint(QPainter * painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem* option, QWidget* widget)
//save painter for later operations
QTransform originalTransform = painter->transform();
QPointF originalCenter = rect().center();
qreal dx = originalTransform.m11() * originalCenter.x() + originalTransform.m21() * originalCenter.y() + originalTransform.m31();
qreal dy = originalTransform.m22() * originalCenter.y() + originalTransform.m12() * originalCenter.x() + originalTransform.m32();
//normally our target scale factor is 1, meaning the item has keeps its size, regardless of zoom
//we adjust the scale factor though when the item is smaller than one pixel in comparison to the background image
qreal factor = 1.0;
//check if scale factor if bigger that the item size, and thus it occupies less that a pixel in comparision to the background image
if (rect().width() < originalTransform.m11()) {
//calculate adjusted scale factor
factor = originalTransform.m11() / rect().width();
//adjust position according to scale factor
dx -= factor * originalCenter.x();
dy -= factor * originalCenter.y();
//set the new transform for painting
painter->setTransform(QTransform::fromScale(factor, factor) * QTransform::fromTranslate(dx, dy));
//now paint...
QGraphicsXYZItem::paint(painter, option, widget);
//restore original painter
QRectF MyGraphicsItem::boundingRect() const
QRectF rect = QGraphicsEllipseItem::boundingRect();
//this is a bit hackish, let me know if you know another way...
if (scene() != NULL && scene()->views().at(0) != NULL)
//get viewport transform
QTransform itemTransform = scene()->views().at(0)->transform();
QPointF originalCenter = rect.center();
//calculate back-projected original size of item
qreal realSizeX = rect.width() / itemTransform.m11();
qreal realSizeY = rect.height() / itemTransform.m11();
//check if scale factor is bigger that the item size, and thus it occupies less that a pixel in comparison
//to the background image and adjust size back to equivalent of 1 pixel
realSizeX = realSizeX < 1.0 ? 1.0 : realSizeX;
realSizeY = realSizeY < 1.0 ? 1.0 : realSizeY;
//set adjusted position and size according to scale factor
rect = QRectF(rect.center().x() - realSizeX / 2.0, rect.center().y() - realSizeY / 2.0, realSizeX, realSizeY);
return rect;