Person クラスの内部:
public Point[] endPointArray;
private int scalar;
private Head head;
private Neck neck;
public Person(){
scalar = 1;
endPointArray = new Point[100];
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 100 ; i++ ){
endPointArray[i] = new Point();
positionArray = new int[4];
point = new Point(0,0);
endPointArray[0].x = 5;
endPointArray[0].y = 5;
head = new Head(neck, endPointArray, scalar);
neck = new Neck(body, endPointArray, scalar);
public void draw(Graphics g){
ヘッド クラスの内部:
// ---------- CONSTANTS. ----------
private static int Base_Radius = 20;
// ---------- VARIABLE DECLARATIONS. ----------
private int radius;
private int scale; // Scale determines how large the Head will be.
private Point startingPoint; //Starting Point for the Person and the Head.
private Point endingPoint; //Ending Point, where the Neck will start from.
private Point[] endPointArray; // Contains startingPoint in position [0] by this point from Person.
private Point centre;
private Neck neck;
// ----------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------
public Head(Neck neck, Point[] endPointArray, int scale){
this.neck = neck;
this.endPointArray = endPointArray;
this.scale = scale;
radius = Base_Radius * scale;
startingPoint = new Point();
endingPoint = new Point();
centre = new Point();
// Copies the value of endPointArray[0] into startingPoint.
startingPoint.x = endPointArray[0].x;
startingPoint.y = endPointArray[0].y;
// Picks the point on the Head where the Neck will start from.
endingPoint.x = startingPoint.x + radius;
endingPoint.y = startingPoint.y + ( 2*radius );
// Assigns the value of the circles centre to the centre point.
centre.x = startingPoint.x + radius;
centre.y = startingPoint.y + radius;
// Puts the value of the endingPoint into the endPointArray[1].
endPointArray[1].x = endingPoint.x;
endPointArray[1].y = endingPoint.y;
// ----------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------
public void draw(Graphics g){
g.drawOval(startingPoint.x, startingPoint.y, radius, radius);
System.out.println("Radius : " + radius);
System.out.println("Head Starting Point : ("+startingPoint.x+","+startingPoint.y+").");
System.out.println("Head Ending Point : ("+endingPoint.x+","+endingPoint.y+").\n");
// ---------- CONSTANTS. ----------
private static int Base_Length = 10;
// ---------- VARIABLE DECLARATIONS. ----------
private int length;
private int scale; // Scale determines how large the Head will be.
private Point anglePoint;
private Point startingPoint; //Starting Point for the Person and the Head.
private Point endingPoint; //Ending Point, where the Neck will start from.
private Point[] endPointArray; // Contains startingPoint in position [0] by this point from Person.
private Body body;
// ----------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------
public Neck(Body body, Point[] endPointArray, int scale){
this.endPointArray = endPointArray;
this.body = body;
this.scale = scale;
length = Base_Length * scale;
startingPoint = new Point();
endingPoint = new Point();
anglePoint = new Point();
// Making the startingPoint equal to the endPointArray[1].
startingPoint.x = endPointArray[1].x;
startingPoint.y = endPointArray[1].y;
// Seting the values of the point where the neck finishes.
endingPoint.x = startingPoint.x;
endingPoint.y = startingPoint.y + length;
// ----------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------
public void draw(Graphics g){
g.drawLine(startingPoint.x, startingPoint.y, endingPoint.x, endingPoint.y);
System.out.println("Neck Starting Point : ("+startingPoint.x+","+startingPoint.y+").");
System.out.println("Neck Ending Point : ("+endingPoint.x+","+endingPoint.y+").");
半径 : 20
頭の開始点: (5,5)。
頭の終点 : (25,45).
首の始点 : (25,45).
首の終点 : (25,55)。
頭は 5,5 でパネルに描かれ、適切な半径を持っているようです。首は頭から離れて浮かんでいます。出力は正しいように見えますが、視覚的には正しくありません。首は頭の付け根から下に向かって水平線になっているはずですが、なぜ期待どおりに動作しないのかわかりません. これが初心者の質問である場合は申し訳ありませんが、現時点ではかなり行き詰まっています。