public void main()
lstChapters.DataContext = await TaskEx.WhenAll(LoadChapters());
//CAN'T use async in this function, it requires Task<> which
//Error appears on the code inside []
public [async Task<object>] Convert(object[] values, Type targetType,
object parameter, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture)
dictChapters data = await IQ_LoadQuranXML.LoadChapters(TypeIndex);
internal static async Task< IEnumerable<dictChapters>> LoadChapters()
var element = XElement.Load("xml/chapters.xml");
Task < IEnumerable < dictChapters >> something = (Task<IEnumerable<dictChapters>>) await TaskEx.Run(delegate
IEnumerable<dictChapters> Chapters =
from var in element.Descendants("chapter")
orderby var.Attribute("index").Value
select new dictChapters
ChapterIndex = Convert.ToInt32(var.Attribute("index").Value),
ChapterArabicName = var.Attribute("name").Value,
ChapterType = var.Attribute("type").Value,
return Chapters;}
return something; //An ERROR on this line
//Overriding method which does not return IEnumerable type. And it accepts index as integer.
internal static dictChapters LoadChapters(string chIdx = "0")
int chIdxInt = Convert.ToInt32(chIdx);
List<dictChapters> Chapters = (List<dictChapters>) LoadChapters(); // ERROR is on this line too
return Chapters.ElementAt(chIdxInt - 1); //index of chapter in the element starts from 0
タイプ ' ' を ' ' に暗黙的に変換することはできませんSystem.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<iq_main.dictChapters>
。明示的な変換が存在します (キャストがありませんか?)
タイプ ' ' を ' に変換できませんSystem.Collections.Generic.List<iq_main.dictChapters>
実行時に「何か」を明示的にキャストするとreturn (IEnumerable<dictChapters>) something