First Second Third Forth
It is possible to
do this task
with regex but i
don't know how to
各行の単語は、先頭または末尾の列の名前によって整列されます。(列の名前は、最初の行の単語です。例First Second Third Forth
私の例では、単語は列の左 (または列名の先頭) にFirst Third Forth
配置され、右 (または列名の末尾) に配置されます。Second
$hash{First} has Second-property $hash{Second}. It also has $hash{Third} and $hash{Forth}.
use File::Basename;
use locale;
open my $file, "<", $ARGV[0];
open my $file2,">>",fileparse($ARGV[0])."2.txt";
my @alls = <$file>;
sub Main{
my $first = shift @alls;
my $poses = First_And_Last($first);
my $curr_poses;
my $curr_hash;
#do{OutputLine($_->[0],$_->[1],$first)}for (@$poses);
my $result_array=[];
my @keys = qw(# Variable Type Len Format Informat Label);
for $word(@alls){
undef ($curr_hash);
$curr_hash = Take_Words($poses, $word, $curr_poses);
push @{$result_array},$curr_hash; #AoH
#end of main
sub First_And_Last{
my $str = shift;
my $begin;
my $end;
my $ref=[];
while ($str=~m/(([\S\.]\s?)+\b|#)/g){
$begin = pos($str) - length($1);
$end = pos($str);
push @{$ref},[$begin,$end];
return $ref;
sub Take_Words{
#Take_Words($poses, $line,$current)
my $outref = {};
my $ref = shift; #take the ref of offsets of words
my $line = shift;# and the next line in file
my $current = shift; # and this is the poses of current line
my @keys = qw(# Variable Type Len Format Informat Label);
my $ethalon; #for $ref
my $relativity; #for $current
my $key; #for key in $outref
my @ethalon = @{$ref};
$ethalon = shift @ethalon;
$relativity = shift @{$current};
$key = shift @keys;
while (defined($key) && defined($relativity)){
if ($ethalon->[0] == $relativity->[0] || $ethalon->[1] == $relativity->[1]){
$outref->{$key} = substr($line, $relativity->[0],$relativity->[1] - $relativity->[0]);
$relativity = shift @{$current};
$ethalon = shift @ethalon;
$key = shift @keys;
return $outref;