誰かが HTML5 Boilerplate Initializser から元のコードを作成するのを手伝ってくれませんか? フッターをブラウザーの下部に貼り付けます。Web の例からすべてのコードを試しましたが、残念ながらいつものようにボイラー プレートの事前定義された CSS が配置に影響を与えていると思います。そしてフッターの「くっつき」。


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/* ===== Initializr Styles =====================================================
   Author: Jonathan Verrecchia - verekia.com/initializr/responsive-tfont-sizeplate
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    ALL: Blue Theme 
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    MOBILE: Menu
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/* ===============
    ALL: IE Fixes
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/* ===== Primary Styles ========================================================
   Author: Christopher Leah of Happy Webs LTD - 07/2012
   ========================================================================== */
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/* =============================================================================
   Media Queries
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/* ====================
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    WIDE: Menu
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    WIDE: Main
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/* ===============
    Maximal Width
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/* =============================================================================
   Non-Semantic Helper Classes
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/* =============================================================================
   Print Styles
   ========================================================================== */

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    Home - Upper Control Limit

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            <h1 id="title"><a href="default.aspx" title="Upper Control Limit Homepage">Upper Control Limit</a></h1>



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                    <h2>Manual Data Entry</h2>

                    <label>Rows:&nbsp;</label><input name="ctl00$MainContent$txtRows" type="text" id="MainContent_txtRows" class="txtSmall" />

                    <label>Cols:&nbsp;</label><input name="ctl00$MainContent$txtCols" type="text" id="MainContent_txtCols" class="txtSmall" />

                    <p><em>*Maximum of 10 rows and/or 30 columns for this trial version.</em></p>

                    <p><input type="submit" name="ctl00$MainContent$btnGo" value="Go" id="MainContent_btnGo" /></p>

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                    <h2>File Uploader</h2>

                    <p><input type="file" name="ctl00$MainContent$flUp" id="MainContent_flUp" />&nbsp;</p>

                    <p>(Maximum File Size: 3KB)<br /><em>*Do not include any column headers or text in your CSV.</em></p>

                    <p><input type="submit" name="ctl00$MainContent$btnUpload" value="Upload" id="MainContent_btnUpload" /></p>

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                    <p class="disclaimer">Data uploaded or manually entered, is deleted immediately 

                        after processing. If you have concerns over your data or privacy, please read our <a href="disclaimer.aspx" title="UCL Disclaimer">disclaimer</a>.<br />If your data contains sensitive information, you should consider 

                        integrating the UCL engine within your system.  Please <a href="contact.aspx" title="Contact us">contact us</a> for more information. <br /></p>




                <h3>About UCL</h3>

                <p>Control Charts have multiple applications in a wide variety of industries. They 

                    can help measure the effectiveness of manufacturing processes or the quality of 

                    service based industry.</p>

                <p>The UCL calculator has been developed by Data-Exchange Ltd as a side project 

                which was driven by the need to integrate this magic formula within various 

                business applications.</p>

                <h4>Upper Control Limit Formula</h4>

                <p><img src="img/ucl-formula.png" title="Upper Control Limit Formula" alt="Upper Control Limit Formula: X + 2.66* MR" /></p>

                <h4>Lower Control Limit Formula</h4>

                <p><img src="img/lcl-formula.png" title="Lower Control Limit Formula" alt="Lower Control Limit Formula: X - 2.66* MR" /></p>




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            <h3 class="left">Copyright © 2012 <a href="http://www.data-exchange.co.uk/" title="Data Exchange Ltd">Data Exchange Ltd</a></h3>

            <h3 class="right"><a href="http://www.perfect-flow.com/" title="PerfectFlow Ltd" ><img alt="PerfectFlow" border="0" src="img/perfectflow.gif" /></a></h3>



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4 に答える 4


スタイルが Boilerplate の CSS の後にある場合は、それが適用されます。CASCADING スタイルシートの美しさです。フッターにと を使用position:fixedしてみてください。bottom:0px

#footer-container {
于 2012-07-17T16:20:20.940 に答える


#footer-container {
于 2012-07-17T16:22:33.850 に答える

BP を取得し、次のページに記載されている追加のマークアップを追加します: http://www.cssstickyfooter.com/html-code.html。次に、適切な CSS を追加します。Firebug を介してツリー モードで表示すると役立ちます。追加のマークアップを使い始めたら、既存のマークアップを再利用して少しきれいにできるかどうかを確認してください。

于 2012-07-17T17:00:27.300 に答える

回避策なしでエレガントな方法でフッターを固定するための最良の方法は、次の css コードを使用することです。

于 2012-12-17T11:09:17.300 に答える