import random
year = 1
our_score = 0
their_score = 0
games_played = 0
#opponent's strategy:
def op_strategy():
for i in range (0,1):
rand = random.randint(0,1)
if rand == 0:
return "war"
if rand == 1:
return "peace"
def start():
global our_score, their_score, year
print "====="
print "Year " + str(year)
print "Our Score: " + str(our_score)
print "Their Score: " + str(their_score)
print ""
strategy = raw_input("What is your strategy this year? ")
def inputs(strategy):
our_score = 0
global our_score, their_score, year
if str(strategy) == "peace" or str(strategy) == "war":
print "You chose: " + str(strategy)
op_strat = str(op_strategy())
print "They chose: " + op_strat
if str(strategy) == "war" and str(op_strat) == "war":
print ">>> Everyoner to arms!"
our_score = our_score + 1
their_score = their_score + 1
year = year + 1
elif str(strategy) == "peace" and str(op_strat) == "peace":
print ">>> Peace for everyone!"
our_score = our_score + 3
their_score = their_score + 3
year = year + 1
elif str(strategy) == "peace" and str(op_strat) == "war":
print ">>> They crushed us!"
our_score = our_score
their_score = their_score + 5
year = year + 1
elif str(strategy) == "war" and str(op_strat) == "peace":
print ">>> We crushed them!"
our_score = our_score + 5
their_score = their_score
year = year + 1
if str(year) == "11":
print "====="
print "Final"
print str(our_score)
print str(their_score)
if our_score > their_score:
print ">>>>> We win! <<<<<"
if their_score > our_score:
print ">>>>> They win! <<<<<"
if their_score == our_score:
print ">>>>> It's a tie! <<<<<"
play = raw_input("Play again?")
if play == "y":
if play == "n":
play = raw_input('Invalid response. Please enter "y" or "n".')
if str(strategy) != "peace" and str(strategy) != "war":
strategy = raw_input('Invalid strategy. Enter "peace" or "war": ')