type, public, abstract :: image
! Common components to all extensions
logical :: initialized = .false.
character(256) :: path = "" ! Path to image
integer :: dimensions(3) = -1 ! Dimensions of image
procedure :: initialize
! Abstract interface pxvalues_image specified what the interface must
! look like. Deferred attribute means that extensions of image
! must specify a specific procedure for the pxvalues binding. All
! specific procedures must have the same interface bar the passed
! argument.
procedure(pxvalues_image), deferred :: pxvalues
procedure :: getMeta
end type image
abstract interface
subroutine pxvalues_image(obj, ...)
import :: image
class(image), intent(in) :: obj
end subroutine pxvalues_image
end interface
! A type for images that have integer2 data.
type, public, extends(image) :: image_integer2
procedure :: pxvalues => pxvalues_integer2
end type image_integer2
! A type for images that have integer4 data.
type, public, extends(image) :: image_integer4
procedure :: pxvalues => pxvalues_integer4
end type image_integer4
次に、特定のプロシージャ'' pxvalues_integer2''、'' pxvalues_integer4''などが、拡張タイプの初期引数を取ります。
subroutine create_image(object)
class(image), intent(out), allocatable :: object
! We want an image that for integer2's
allocate(image_integer2 :: object)