jQuery アコーディオンについて質問があります。
アコーディオン ヘッダー
フォーム ピース
アコーディオン ヘッダー
フォーム ピース
アコーディオン ヘッダー
フォーム ピース
私がやろうとしているのは、以前のフォーム入力に基づいて、アコーディオン ヘッダー (およびヘッダーをクリックしたときに表示される情報) を変更することです。これは機能しますが、アコーディオン ヘッダーとして表示されます (したがって、基本的には jQuery UI アコーディオン部分が失われ、アコーディオンをクリックすると通常はドロップダウンされるテキストを含むリンクとして表示されます)。
<script type="text/javascript">
// Accordion
//initialize accordion
header: "h3",
animated: "",
event: "click",
collapsible : true,
autoHeight: false,
navigation: true,
active: false
//set accordion header options
jQuery("#jQueryUIAccordion").accordion("option", "icons",
{ 'header': 'ui-icon-triangle-1-e','headerSelected': 'ui-icon-info' });
<div class="container fontClassBody paddingLeftBody">
<div class="row">
<div class="left">
<div id="starting_type_in">
<select name="Start" onchange="choiceStart(this.form);">
<option value=""></option>
<option value="Current Limit">Current Limit</option>
<option value="Soft Start">Soft Start</option>
*これは、上記に基づいて変更する必要があるものです* * **
<div id="current_torque"><h3><a href="#">Torque/Current %</a></h3>
<div>This represents the level of current that will be allowed during the start.This is only active when a current limit mode is selected and is programmable as allowed by the product selected.
Since most designs are based in historical references the best place to start an analysis is with 350% current limit, which produces a torque equivalent to a star-delta type historical reduced voltage starting method.
*これは、フォーム入力が次のアコーディオン ヘッダーを変更する方法です (別の JavaScript ファイル内) ** * *
function setCurrentTorque() {
var cur_trq = "";
if (start_type === "Current Limit") {
cur_trq = "<h3><a href='#'>Initial Current %</a></h3><div>This represents the level of current that will be allowed during the start. This is only active when a current limit mode is selected and is programmable as allowed by the product selected. Since most designs are based in historical references the best place to start an analysis is with 350% current limit, which produces a torque equivalent to a star-delta type historical reduced voltage starting method. </div>";
} else if (start_type === "Soft Start") {
cur_trq = "<h3><a href='#'>Initial Torque %</a></h3><div>This represents the initial level of torque that will be applied to the motor at zero speed. This value will increase as the voltage is ramped during the start time. This value is only active when a soft start mode is selected and is programmable as allowed by the product selected. A default setting of around 70% is a good place to start with the estimation.</div>";
} else {
cur_trq = "<h3><a href='#'>Torque/Current %</a></h3><div> Initial Current %: <br />This represents the level of current that will be allowed during the start. This is only active when a current limit mode is selected and is programmable as allowed by the product selected. Since most designs are based in historical references the best place to start an analysis is with 350% current limit, which produces a torque equivalent to a star-delta type historical reduced voltage starting method.<br /><br /> Initial Torque %: <br />This represents the initial level of torque that will be applied to the motor at zero speed. This value will increase as the voltage is ramped during the start time. This value is only active when a soft start mode is selected and is programmable as allowed by the product selected. A default setting of around 70% is a good place to start with the estimation.</div>";
document.getElementById('current_torque').innerHTML = cur_trq;